Hokulea is a library to provide the altda providers for a derivation pipeline built with kona to understand eigenDA blobs, following the kona book recommendation (also see this comment).
Hokulea host currently computes a challenge proof that validates the correctness of the eigenda blob against the provided kzg commitment. Such computation requires the host to have access to sufficient KZG SRS points. Follow the link to download the points and save it to ./resources/g1.point
First start the devnet on a local L1 that uses eigenda v1:
git clone https://github.com/Layr-Labs/optimism.git
cd optimism/kurtosis-devnet && just eigenda-memstore-devnet
Then request rollup config and save it:
ROLLUP_NODE_RPC=$(kurtosis port print eigenda-memstore-devnet op-cl-1-op-node-op-geth-op-kurtosis http) && curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"optimism_rollupConfig","params":[],"id":1}' $ROLLUP_NODE_RPC | jq .result > rollup.json
Then run hokulea against v1:
cd bin/client
just run-client-native-against-devnet