I really like programming language, so when I have the chance I will pick up new one as I go along. The goal is probably to make my own language one day for fun. I don't count decorator as language such as Typescript, nothing against it. I use it daily. I just don't think it is qualified as a language anymore than HTML is one. Currently, I am most enticed by Zig. (PS: I know that is not Rust logo, but who told them to use literally black as the color, it won't show up against dark theme, which is like 99% of the Github's population)
This stats is 100% skewered, I don't write that much Python comparatively to JS and Rust. It is probably caused by all fork repository with a ton of Python library code in it, and with no access to my private repository for comparison. This is why Python is such a huge headache. Take this with a grain of salt, but it looks fun so I put it here regardless.
I post all of my learnings here. So if you want to quickly absorb what I have learned and researched at a fraction of the time, please visit my blog and tell me what you think!