A Swift SignalR Client for the Asp.Net Core version of SignalR
Add the following lines to your Podfile
pod 'SwiftSignalRClient'
Then run:
pod install
Add the following to your Package
.package(url: "https://github.com/moozzyk/SignalR-Client-Swift", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.5.0")),
Then include "SignalRClient"
in your target dependencies. For example:
.target(name: "MySwiftPackage", dependencies: ["SignalRClient"]),
Add import SwiftSignalRClient
to swift files you would like to use the client in.
A typical implementation looks like the following:
import Foundation
import SwiftSignalRClient
public class SignalRService {
private var connection: HubConnection
public init(url: URL) {
connection = HubConnectionBuilder(url: url).withLogging(minLogLevel: .error).build()
connection.on(method: "MessageReceived", callback: { (user: String, message: String) in
do {
self.handleMessage(message, from: user)
} catch {
private func handleMessage(_ message: String, from user: String) {
// Do something with the message.
There are several sample projects in the Examples
folder. They include:
An Xcode workspace that has compiled libraries for macOS (OSX) and iOS, along with the Application targets 'ConnectionSample', 'HubSample', and 'HubSamplePhone'.
A .Net solution that the unit tests and samples can be run against.
Requires .NET Core SDK 2.1.300 or later.To run, navigate to the
folder and execute the following in the terminal:npm install
dotnet run
The way of handling serialization/deserialization of values sent/received from the server changed in version 0.6.0. The TypeConverter
protocol has been removed in favor of the Encodable
protocols. The client now can serialize and send to the server any value that conforms to the Encodable
protocol and is able to deserialize any value received from the server as long as the target type for the value conforms to the Decodable
protocol (in most cases you don't need to distinguish between these protocols and you can just make your types conform to the Codable
protocol. Also primitive types already conform to the Codable
protocol so they work out of the box). One of the consequences of this change is that the signature of the client side method handlers changed and the code needs to be adjusted when moving to the version 0.6.0. Here is how:
Before version 0.6.0 registering a handler for the client side method could look like this:
self.chatHubConnection!.on(method: "NewMessage", callback: {args, typeConverter in
let user = try! typeConverter.convertFromWireType(obj: args[0], targetType: String.self)
let message = try! typeConverter.convertFromWireType(obj: args[1], targetType: String.self)
self.appendMessage(message: "\(user!): \(message!)")
After installing version 0.6.0 or newer it needs to be changed to:
self.chatHubConnection!.on(method: "NewMessage", callback: {(user: String, message: String) in
self.appendMessage(message: "\(user): \(message)")
Here is the summary of the changes:
- remove the
parameter - replace
parameter with a list of actual parameters (make sure to provide parameter types) - remove calls to
methods - remove code to handle optional types (if applicabale)
Note: if your client side method takes more than 8 parameters you will need to use a lower level primitve to add a handler for this method.
Version 0.6.0 also adds some syntactic sugar for the APIs to invoke server side hub methods (i.e. invoke
, send
, stream
). This is not a breaking change - the old methods will continue to work but in version 0.6.0 you can now pass the values as separate arguments instead of creating an array which is much nicer. For instance nvoking a hub method:
chatHubConnection?.invoke(method: "Broadcast", arguments: [name, message]) { error in
if let e = error {
self.appendMessage(message: "Error: \(e)")
can now be changed to:
chatHubConnection?.invoke(method: "Broadcast", name, message) { error in
if let e = error {
self.appendMessage(message: "Error: \(e)")
The new APIs support up to 8 parameters. If you have a hub method taking more than 8 parameters you will need to use a lower level primitives that take an array containing parameter values.