Added files that were missing from original source package. Tested, Updated and fully working May 2021!
#Simple setup guide for LeakGen Generator Source.
(1). Open /pieces/inc.php
(2). Configure your MySQL connection.
(3). Upload all files to your host.
(4). Open your website and go to
(5). Delete the installer.php file.
(6). If installer.php is not working for you, execute the .sql file from directory /database.
TIPS: (1). Give yourself an admin permissons.
- Open your database and find the table "users".Find your username and go to the column "UserAdmin" and change it to "1"(without quotes).
(2). Modifying.
- Go to the admin panel and you have all permissions under your generator.
Own Captcha system.
Free updates for future versions.
Lightweight source.
MySQLi connections.Secured, reliable & fast.
Included payment gateway.
Manage your generator from your admin panel.
Remove after X generations.
Bitcoin & Paypal payment gateways.
AJAX Account generating.
Manage each plan, how much accounts it can generate per day, price & expiring.
A lot more+
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