Releases: Leantime/leantime
Leantime v3.4.3
🚨 Docker configuration updates
Due to the user/group updates on the docker image there is a small chance you run into file permission issues on existing volumes check for setting the permissions correctly.
Additionally we updated the internal port to be 8080. Please make sure your docker compose files reflect the recent changes
For a full list of 3.4 updates see:
- Fixed date issue in milestone, timesheet, sprint generation
- Fixed cron handler for long running schedule:work job to be able to run cron jobs in docker
- Misc other fixes
Changes in this Release
History from v3.4.2
to @
- c26c740 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.3
- af62ea4 task: clean up ticket service
- deffc4e fix: not sending notifications when project id is not set correctly
- e5384f2 fix: console kernel to point to the correct binary
- 12ad2e5 fix api endpoint to get open user tickets
- 7b3539d task: update version
- 2759494 task: Improve dailyIngestion report management
- 8a3ee6a fix: add missing field
- 1d0b242 fix: broken datetime management on sprints creating various bugs throughout the system
- 86b40bd task: Cleanup and improve datetime helper class
- 3dd728b Fix link
- b640381 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.2
- Marcel Folaron (9 commits)
- Torsten Stöter (1 commits)
.idea/php.xml | 1 + | 38 ++ | 2 +-
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Console/ConsoleKernel.php | 11 +
app/Core/Support/DateTimeHelper.php | 99 ++--
app/Domain/Reports/Controllers/Show.php | 14 +-
app/Domain/Reports/Services/Reports.php | 74 ++-
app/Domain/Reports/Templates/show.tpl.php | 6 +-
app/Domain/Reports/register.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Sprints/Controllers/EditSprint.php | 9 +-
app/Domain/Sprints/Models/Sprints.php | 2 +
app/Domain/Sprints/Repositories/Sprints.php | 26 +-
app/Domain/Sprints/Services/Sprints.php | 534 ++++++++++------------
app/Domain/Sprints/Templates/sprintdialog.tpl.php | 4 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Models/Tickets.php | 2 +
app/Domain/Tickets/Repositories/Tickets.php | 5 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Services/Tickets.php | 64 ++-
composer.lock | 350 +++++++-------
package-lock.json | 4 +-
package.json | 2 +-
public/dist/mix-manifest.json | 30 +-
22 files changed, 689 insertions(+), 592 deletions(-)
Leantime v3.4.2
- Various bug fixes
- Improved caching of images
- Preloading important urls on mouseover to improve page latency
Changes in this Release
History from v3.4.1
to @
- b640381 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.2
- 14e71ad fix: typo in provider name
- e9d59a0 fix: update and expand standard iso8601 dateformat management
- c7964a1 fix: datetime issues in calendar and sprints
- a9ec032 fix: dashboard delete status and allow replies
- be8ee46 task: fix code style and update version number
- ca1a2f6 fix: Ensure milestone hierarchy is loaded and displayed correctly
- abd7343 feat: various small design improvements
- fd4a040 fix: theme image could not be loaded due to test chars in header
- 241303b feat: add new template event for ticket due date
- 8451caf fix: formatting for status field in subtasks
- 04169c5 fix: import project via csv import failed due to missing state
- 3e35f56 feat: preload important urls on mouseover
- af056a9 fix: name in testemail command
- c1bd5c4 feat: Ensure images and other static files are cached by browsers
- 65fe92e feat: Improved error reporting for json parse errors on api requests
- 8d33277 fix: Allow usernames with spaces (ldap issue)
- 9ebf1ea fix: i18n file for js was not loaded correctly with plugin language files
- 15de91e feat: new command to clear language cache files
- af0eba4 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.1
- Marcel Folaron (20 commits)
Files | 47 +++++++++++++
app/Command/ClearLanguage.php | 71 +++++++++++++++++++
app/Command/TestEmailCommand.php | 3 +-
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Middleware/AuthCheck.php | 1 -
app/Core/Support/DateTimeHelper.php | 18 +++++
app/Domain/Api/Controllers/I18n.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Api/Controllers/Jsonrpc.php | 45 +++++++++---
app/Domain/Auth/Controllers/Login.php | 2 +-
.../Auth/Templates/partials/loginInfo.blade.php | 10 +--
app/Domain/Calendar/Services/Calendar.php | 32 +++++++--
.../Comments/Templates/components/reply.blade.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Connector/Services/Connector.php | 22 +++---
app/Domain/CsvImport/Services/CsvImport.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Dashboard/Templates/show.blade.php | 5 +-
app/Domain/Files/Controllers/Get.php | 3 +
app/Domain/Menu/Repositories/Menu.php | 1 +
app/Domain/Menu/Templates/headMenu.blade.php | 3 +-
app/Domain/Menu/Templates/menu.blade.php | 2 +-
.../Menu/Templates/partials/leftnav/item.blade.php | 1 +
app/Domain/Projects/Repositories/Projects.php | 14 ++--
app/Domain/Sprints/Controllers/EditSprint.php | 9 ++-
app/Domain/Sprints/Services/Sprints.php | 15 +++-
app/Domain/Tickets/Services/Tickets.php | 40 +++++++----
.../Tickets/Templates/partials/subtasks.blade.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Templates/showKanban.tpl.php | 17 +++--
.../Templates/submodules/ticketBoardTabs.sub.php | 6 +-
.../Templates/submodules/timelineTabs.sub.php | 6 +-
app/Plugins | 2 +-
app/Views/Templates/sections/header.blade.php | 1 -
package-lock.json | 4 +-
package.json | 2 +-
public/assets/css/components/dropdowns.css | 9 ++-
public/assets/css/components/forms.css | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++
public/assets/css/components/structure.css | 4 +-
.../jquery.nyroModal/js/jquery.nyroModal.custom.js | 47 +++++++++++--
public/assets/js/libs/simpleGantt/frappe-gantt.js | 5 +-
public/dist/mix-manifest.json | 30 ++++----
38 files changed, 462 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
Leantime v3.4.1
- Dark Theme Updates (and 2 gray scale color scheme options)
- Docker Image now supports PUID=1000 and PGID=1000 arguments as well as a a user var to run leantime as non-root
- Clean up plugin marketplace page
🚨 Permission issues with the new docker image
Due to the user/group updates on the docker image there is a small chance you run into file permission issues on existing volumes check for setting the permissions correctly.
Changes in this Release
History from v3.4.0
to @
- af0eba4 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.1
- 66271fa task: add manifest and package-lock
- 9434188 feat: Update Release Version to 3.4.1
- db913f8 Update release.yml
- 606be4d fix: various dark theme bugs and saving theme settings issues
- 43635f9 fix: Show tasks on milestone page without task parents shows 500
- 3f3a389 Update
- 435e3f7 Update
- f566455 Update
- e9924fb Readme updates
- 0f9a831 Additional Readme Updates
- 85cc204 Readme updates and new screenshots
- a7ca7eb Update bug_report.yml
- bc28a1b Update feature_request.yml
- bf1b1f0 Update feature_request.yml
- 76c3df1 Update feature_request.yml
- a3261e9 Update bug_report.yml
- 02d0ac7 Update bug_report.yml
- eeb676f Update plugin.blade.php
- 3006fe6 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.0
- Marcel Folaron (18 commits)
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml | 4 +-
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml | 4 +-
.github/workflows/release.yml | 15 +++ | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++ | 92 ++++++++++------ | 67 +++++++++--- | 36 +++++-
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Support/CarbonMacros.php | 8 +-
app/Core/UI/Theme.php | 12 +-
.../Plugins/Templates/partials/plugin.blade.php | 3 -
app/Domain/Tickets/Services/Tickets.php | 5 +-
app/Domain/Users/Controllers/EditOwn.php | 40 +++----
app/Plugins | 2 +-
app/Views/Templates/sections/header.blade.php | 1 +
composer.json | 75 ++++++++-----
composer.lock | 48 ++++----
package-lock.json | 4 +-
package.json | 2 +-
public/assets/css/components/nav.css | 2 +-
public/assets/images/Screenshots/apps.png | Bin 715919 -> 0 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/blueprints.png | Bin 701616 -> 0 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/calendar.png | Bin 568384 -> 542603 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/docs.png | Bin 522833 -> 944029 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/goals.png | Bin 699738 -> 831849 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/kanban.png | Bin 580541 -> 836649 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/mywork.png | Bin 619403 -> 994289 bytes
.../assets/images/Screenshots/projectDashboard.png | Bin 745864 -> 1020828 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/table.png | Bin 603685 -> 833262 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/timeline.png | Bin 507251 -> 718026 bytes
public/assets/images/Screenshots/timesheet.png | Bin 627596 -> 853410 bytes
public/dist/mix-manifest.json | 30 ++---
public/theme/default/css/dark.css | 13 +--
public/theme/minimal/css/dark.css | 79 +++++++-------
public/theme/minimal/css/light.css | 38 +++++--
35 files changed, 485 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
Leantime v3.4.0
🚀 Highlights
Infra (Stability, Performance)
- Authentication system has been updated and aligned to Laravel authentication handler enhancing security resilience and more integrations
- Marketplace integration and plugin installation improved
- Improvements to cache handling
- Improved handling of proxy server set ups
- Improved configuration management
- Refactor db service to use Laravel db manager (for future replacement and support of Postgres, SQLite etc)
- Refactored Event Manager to be compatible with Laravel event manager
- More unit tests
- New ticket design to improve cognitive load
- UI cleanup
- Many, many bug fixes 3.4.0 Bugs
🚨 Breaking Changes
- YAML configuration files are not supported anymore. Please move to .env files
🚨 Docker configuration updates
Due to the user/group updates on the docker image there is a small chance you run into file permission issues on existing volumes check for setting the permissions correctly.
Additionally we updated the internal port to be 8080. Please make sure your docker compose files reflect the recent changes
- [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.3 by @github-actions in #2835
- Bump league/commonmark from 2.5.3 to 2.6.0 by @dependabot in #2853
- ITKDev: Added session to API users by @cableman in #2903
- New Crowdin updates by @marcelfolaron in #2918
- feat: improve roadmap date handling and milestone retrieval by @marcelfolaron in #2926
- New Crowdin updates by @marcelfolaron in #2924
- Update UpdateLeantime.php by @Er1c85 in #2844
- Bump guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber from 0.6.0 to 0.8.1 by @dependabot in #2883
- New Crowdin updates by @marcelfolaron in #2935
- New Crowdin updates by @marcelfolaron in #2937
- fixes unescaped string by @marcelfolaron in #2941
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.3.3...v3.4.0
Changes in this Release
History from v3.3.3
to @
- 3006fe6 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.0
- 31f2ce7 fix user issue
- 7931979 bugfix for project duplication
- 20c4ba6 Escaping content for email messages
- 5fdb464 fixes unescaped string
- 2a5045f Improved cache control
- 759e1e3 Plugin page improvements
- 14df6b2 Update source file en-US.ini
- d056731 endpoint to get current leantime version #1152
- d9e9a17 Fix broken timer on ticketmodal #2849
- 9fa14c2 Fix broken timer on ticketmodal #2845
- a805662 ticket table pager issue
- 440c4a4 update leantime color
- ca1488e Ensure that url changes will be reflected in widget dashbaords
- 759a3c1 Ensure notification links go to places #2929
- 1649f52 clean up user class
- b5228d3 Fix upload image issue #2919
- 58beaab Comment out traefik labels
- d523531 code cleanup, testing improvement
- 5ccca20 Improve testing environment and fix tests
- 3eb909d idea files
- fd0a8ce Improved subfolder handling
- ed101d0 OIDC check for redirects and hardening
- a30546a Update source file en-US.ini
- 3cdee0c fix failing api tests
- 6a59ddd code style
- 89b3725 Improve plugin flow and information
- e18e32e Update update-latest-tag.yml
- eb278f8 Create update-latest-tag.yml
- 327fdac Minor fixes and updates to cache clearing
- 5e766ee code style fixes
- b9f03f1 Minor UI updates to notifications
- 35f9a91 Improve request type identification
- 41ab1a2 Fix duplicate project issue #2922
- 93fd06d feat: improve roadmap date handling and milestone retrieval
- a5d487b New translations en-us.ini (Hebrew)
- fd0422a Duplicate Project Fix
- 51143da New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Traditional)
- c5f07c9 Update source file en-US.ini
- e1e83b1 Dashboard home controller improvements and settings link updates
- 8522613 Fix broken unit tests
- f63843e Language File Fix for Api Key generation
- 71e7c98 Fix code style
- b7e464c Fixing, passing unit tests
- ff1ee5f New translations en-us.ini (Hebrew)
- cd5eaa4 Update source file en-US.ini
- 6ec2f0b CSV Importer fix and makefile improvements
- 10e01f2 Fixing code style issues
- 8cc1d23 Commit missing changes
- 8f95cbe Update EventDispatcher.php
- ab97534 Bump guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber from 0.6.0 to 0.8.1
- 180c5f1 Fix code style
- b18b70e Ensure job title can be changed and users can be found with lower or uppercase active flag
- b1158d9 Fix for broken avatar creation
- 4caf75c Ical 404 Fix
- e2f43dd Design & Style Improvements
- 42a5709 CLI improvements and cache fixes
- 4011dc1 Authentication refactor to use sanctum
- 7346ccc Core Code Cleanup
- 70f91f9 ITKDev: Added session to API users
- d5e37de Update
- c0738ec Update
- 4b47ec3 Bump league/commonmark from 2.5.3 to 2.6.0
- 1547de9 Update UpdateLeantime.php
- 3f69ff6 Update Plugins
- b811bfa [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.3
- Marcel Folaron (224 commits)
- Jesper Kristensen (1 commits)
- Er1c85 (1 commits)
.dev/docker-compose.tests.yaml | 17 +-
.dev/docker-compose.yaml | 77 +-
.dev/test.env | 21 +-
.dev/xdebug.ini | 2 +-
.github/workflows/update-latest-tag.yml | 32 +
.idea/leantime-oss.iml | 2 +
.idea/php-test-framework.xml | 14 +-
.idea/php.xml | 141 +-
.idea/phpunit.xml | 2 +- | 127 + | 5 +
app/Command/CheckEventListeners.php | 2 +-
app/Command/ClearAll.php | 71 +
app/Command/TestEmailCommand.php | 3 +-
app/Command/UpdateLeantime.php | 69 +-
app/Core/Application.php | 60 +-
app/Core/Bootloader.php | 8 +-
app/Core/Bootstrap/LoadConfig.php | 52 +-
app/Core/Bootstrap/SetRequestForConsole.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Configuration/DefaultConfig.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Configuration/Environment.php | 25 +-
app/Core/Configuration/EnvironmentsEnum.php | 32 +
app/Core/Configuration/laravelConfig.php | 418 +-
app/Core/Console/Application.php | 33 +-
app/Core/Console/ConsoleKernel.php | 60 +-
app/Core/Controller/Frontcontroller.php | 58 +-
app/Core/Controller/HtmxController.php | 3 +
app/Core/Database/DatabaseManager.php | 35 +
app/Core/Db/Db.php | 5 +-
app/Core/Db/Repository.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Events/DispatchesEvents.php | 19 +-
app/Core/Events/EventDispatcher.php | 786 +--
app/Core/Fileupload.php | 35 +-
app/Core/Http/ApiRequest.php | 18 +-
app/Core/Http/HttpKernel.php | 65 +-
app/Core/Http/IncomingRequest.php | 212 +-
app/Core/Http/RequestType/ApiRequestType.php | 27 +
app/Core/Http/RequestType/HtmxRequestType.php | 24 +
app/Core/Http/RequestType/RequestTypeDetector.php | 38 +
app/Core/Http/RequestType/RequestTypeInterface.php | 24 +
app/Core/Language.php | 28 +-
app/Core/Mailer.php | 10 +-
app/Core/Middleware/AuthCheck.php | 169 +-
app/Core/Middleware/AuthenticateSession.php | 152 +
app/Core/Middleware/CurrentProject.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Middleware/InitialHeaders.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Middleware/LoadPlugins.php | 3 +-
app/Core/Middleware/RequestRateLimiter.php | 22 +-
app/Core/Middleware/SetCacheHeaders.php | 13 +-
app/Core/Middleware/StartSession.php | 17 +-
app/Core/Middleware/Updated.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Providers/Authentication.php | 94 +-
app/Core/Providers/Cache.php | 10 +-
app/Core/Providers/CliServices.php | 32 +-
app/Core/Providers/Db.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Providers/Events.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Providers/Language.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Providers/Redis.php | 14 +-
app/Core/Providers/Sanctum.php | 25 +
app/Core/Providers/Session.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Providers/Views.php | 92 +-
app/Core/Support/Avatarcreator.php | 18 +-
app/Core/Support/DateTimeHelper.php | 4 +-
Leantime v3.3.3
What's Changed
Info: The updater CLI command was fixed in this release. When updating a regular install please follow the instructions for a manual update (just replace the files with the ones in the release package)
- Laravel auth service by @marcelfolaron in #2823
- Improved Avatar Handling by @marcelfolaron in #2826
- Fixing user role issue for manager by @marcelfolaron in #2828
- Fix missing value submission for notifications checkbox #2818 by @marcelfolaron in #2827
- Performance improvements by @marcelfolaron in #2829
- Updated language file manager for plugins by @marcelfolaron in #2832
- CLI updates fixing updater and backupDb command by @marcelfolaron in #2833
- CSV validation improvements by @marcelfolaron in #2834
Full Changelog: v3.3.2...v3.3.3
- b811bfa [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.3
- 752bfec Version Bump
- f44dbb8 style fixes
- 6828e9c Check for datetime parsing and sprint verification
- 22d28a5 Fixes updater and backup creator
- 87e3774 Updating how we load language files from plugins and caching them
- 838c836 Update bug_report.yml
- 8b804d4 Update UpdateLeantime.php
- fd34096 Update Registration.php
- 7069916 LanguageFile Registration improvements
- 3a0aa4a fix code styles
- ee79913 Improving eventDispatcher findListener call and settings repo
- 177d514 Fix styles and ignore generated files in pint
- 743beee Code style fixes
- ad64371 Fix access issues regarding manager role #2820
- 3619037 code style fix
- 28343d3 Fix issue with api guard not having access to apikey
- 120f578 Fix missing value submission for notifications checkbox #2818
- 29ad2e6 Fixing code style
- ee6285b Add unit tests
- 73af0b6 Create new avatar creator support class and ensure avatars can be generated in various languages and encodings
- 936dcbf fix code styles
- 4e2c859 Fix authcheck missing parameter
- 5d18d8c Using laravel auth and adding leantime as auth provider.
- fabd409 Check translations strings
- d18f0c8 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.2
- Marcel Folaron (24 commits)
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml | 4 +-
.idea/leantime-oss.iml | 32 --
.idea/php.xml | 40 +-
.pint/pint.json | 3 +- | 92 +++++
app/Command/AddUserCommand.php | 4 +-
app/Command/BackupDbCommand.php | 2 +-
app/Command/CheckTranslations.php | 148 ++++++++
app/Command/MigrateCommand.php | 2 +-
app/Command/UpdateLeantime.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Application.php | 31 +-
app/Core/Bootstrap/LoadConfig.php | 7 +-
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Configuration/laravelConfig.php | 41 +-
app/Core/Contracts/Service.php | 58 ---
app/Core/Events/EventDispatcher.php | 59 ++-
app/Core/Http/ApiRequest.php | 12 -
app/Core/Http/HttpKernel.php | 14 +-
app/Core/Http/IncomingRequest.php | 12 +
app/Core/Language.php | 9 +
app/Core/Middleware/ApiAuth.php | 52 ---
app/Core/Middleware/{Auth.php => AuthCheck.php} | 44 ++-
app/Core/Plugins/PluginManager.php | 16 +
app/Core/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php | 8 +-
app/Core/Providers/Auth.php | 22 --
app/Core/Providers/Authentication.php | 52 +++
app/Core/Providers/CliServices.php | 6 +-
app/Core/Providers/FileSystemServiceProvider.php | 8 -
app/Core/Providers/LoadMacros.php | 6 +-
app/Core/Providers/Redis.php | 23 +-
app/Core/Support/Avatarcreator.php | 131 +++++++
app/Core/Support/StrMacros.php | 98 +++++
app/Core/Support/StringableMacros.php | 36 --
app/Domain/Auth/Guards/ApiGuard.php | 106 ++++++
app/Domain/Auth/Guards/LeantimeGuard.php | 73 ++++
app/Domain/Auth/Providers/LeantimeUserProvider.php | 54 +++
app/Domain/Auth/Services/Auth.php | 53 ++-
app/Domain/Connector/Controllers/Integration.php | 6 +-
app/Domain/Connector/Services/Connector.php | 62 +++-
app/Domain/Menu/Repositories/Menu.php | 10 +-
app/Domain/Menu/Services/Menu.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Menu/Templates/headMenu.blade.php | 10 +
.../Menu/Templates/partials/leftnav/item.blade.php | 42 ++-
.../Templates/partials/leftnav/submenu.blade.php | 48 +--
app/Domain/Plugins/Services/Plugins.php | 4 +-
app/Domain/Plugins/Services/Registration.php | 81 ++--
app/Domain/Projects/Repositories/Projects.php | 79 ++--
app/Domain/Projects/Services/Projects.php | 7 +-
app/Domain/Setting/Repositories/Setting.php | 34 +-
app/Domain/Setting/Services/SettingCache.php | 44 +++
app/Domain/Tickets/Services/Tickets.php | 52 ++-
app/Domain/Tickets/Templates/showAll.tpl.php | 4 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Templates/showKanban.tpl.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Users/Controllers/EditOwn.php | 3 +-
app/Domain/Users/Repositories/Users.php | 79 ++--
app/Domain/Users/Templates/editOwn.blade.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Users/Templates/editOwn.tpl.php | 413 ---------------------
app/Plugins | 2 +-
composer.json | 7 +-
composer.lock | 241 +++++-------
package-lock.json | 4 +-
package.json | 2 +-
public/dist/mix-manifest.json | 30 +-
tests/Unit/app/Core/ApiClientTest.php | 12 +-
tests/Unit/app/Core/ApplicationUrlTest.php | 10 +-
tests/Unit/app/Core/Events/EventsTest.php | 6 +-
tests/Unit/app/Core/Support/AvatarcreatorTest.php | 147 ++++++++
tests/Unit/app/{ => Core/Support}/FormatTest.php | 8 +-
tests/Unit/app/Core/UI/ThemeTest.php | 4 +-
.../app/Domain/Api/Controllers/JsonrpcTest.php | 8 +-
.../Calendar/Services/CalendarServiceTest.php | 2 +-
.../Menu/Repositories/MenuRepositoryTest.php | 12 +-
72 files changed, 1674 insertions(+), 1169 deletions(-)
Leantime v3.3.2
What's Changed
- Fixes colliding file by @lizhineng in #2805
- Synchronizing translation files with crowdin by @marcelfolaron in #2782
- Fixes issue where milestones without end dates are causing 500 error by @marcelfolaron in #2808
- Fixes wrong dates in milestone calendar header by @marcelfolaron in #2799
- Api Fix for authentication and new set of unit tests by @marcelfolaron in #2811
- Update Project Notification Event by @marcelfolaron in #2813
- Csv importer fixes by @marcelfolaron in #2814
New Contributors
- @lizhineng made their first contribution in #2805
Full Changelog: v3.3.1...v3.3.2
History from v3.3.1
to @
- d18f0c8 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.2
- 4a952c8 Update
- d5d1c8f Version bump
- 034a158 attribute class
- 7e2ea50 fix csv importer
- 112d550 New translations en-us.ini (German (Informal))
- f944a62 New translations en-us.ini (Karakalpak)
- 8549a4c New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Latin America)
- ff06e4f New translations en-us.ini (English (upside down))
- 6b62a82 New translations en-us.ini (Kashmiri)
- 06bc0f1 New translations en-us.ini (Pirate English)
- 03cf307 New translations en-us.ini (English, United Kingdom)
- 46e84c3 New translations en-us.ini (Latvian)
- 698dda3 New translations en-us.ini (Estonian)
- a5e2ce0 New translations en-us.ini (Croatian)
- a19b3e0 New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Mexico)
- 89c85f0 New translations en-us.ini (Khmer)
- 594c8c9 New translations en-us.ini (Persian)
- 2e59069 New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese, Brazilian)
- 2781e73 New translations en-us.ini (Icelandic)
- eb5eb6c New translations en-us.ini (Vietnamese)
- fed047b New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Traditional)
- b81bbae New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Simplified)
- b3c9851 New translations en-us.ini (Turkish)
- 6218e74 New translations en-us.ini (Swedish)
- 13dc4cd New translations en-us.ini (Serbian (Cyrillic))
- 20b909a New translations en-us.ini (Slovenian)
- adb090c New translations en-us.ini (Slovak)
- e56aff4 New translations en-us.ini (Russian)
- 7bc3dfd New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese)
- 8225b72 New translations en-us.ini (Polish)
- 214635a New translations en-us.ini (Norwegian)
- c045d94 New translations en-us.ini (Dutch)
- 9ecb23b New translations en-us.ini (Korean)
- c098909 New translations en-us.ini (Japanese)
- 7ae0cac New translations en-us.ini (Italian)
- 85bd1a4 New translations en-us.ini (Hungarian)
- 99e3e46 New translations en-us.ini (Hebrew)
- 38f9db3 New translations en-us.ini (Greek)
- 473b217 New translations en-us.ini (German)
- 6b18346 New translations en-us.ini (Danish)
- 5ee5788 New translations en-us.ini (Czech)
- 900209a New translations en-us.ini (Arabic)
- 341f439 New translations en-us.ini (Spanish)
- 45b55e6 New translations en-us.ini (French)
- 4d06b41 New translations en-us.ini (Romanian)
- 2b11141 Update Projects.php
- 7699c45 New translations en-us.ini (German)
- 4f0998f Update de-DE.ini
- 31d54ce fix code styles
- 8cb7914 Clean up tests
- 39d18c1 Update UnitTesterActions.php
- 5f1b0d8 Unit tests for jsonrpc controller
- fc40528 Fix code style
- 4b78fdd update readme and test location
- ec63cdc Update en-US.ini
- a5c9ff8 Fix API calls and write unit tests
- aebcf67 Fixes issue where milestones without end dates are causing 500 error
- cd3cf13 delete Pirate.json
- 6cffcf6 Fixes wrong dates in milestone calendar header
- b667cc5 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.1
- a9c1224 New translations en-us.ini (Swedish)
- ea5c732 Update source file en-US.ini
- ffb122a New translations en-us.ini (German (Informal))
- 341ca50 New translations en-us.ini (Karakalpak)
- 9376636 New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Latin America)
- 7f964d9 New translations en-us.ini (English (upside down))
- 85ed8cd New translations en-us.ini (Kashmiri)
- f3b1296 New translations en-us.ini (Pirate English)
- bb56318 New translations en-us.ini (English, United Kingdom)
- ffd2696 New translations en-us.ini (Latvian)
- ce1c54c New translations en-us.ini (Estonian)
- 5f1528c New translations en-us.ini (Croatian)
- 388487b New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Mexico)
- 299fc91 New translations en-us.ini (Khmer)
- 8970af2 New translations en-us.ini (Persian)
- 4a6bc33 New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese, Brazilian)
- a16c195 New translations en-us.ini (Icelandic)
- deff28e New translations en-us.ini (Vietnamese)
- 9e427b0 New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Traditional)
- 3c3237d New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Simplified)
- 8e4651b New translations en-us.ini (Turkish)
- 2716b75 New translations en-us.ini (Swedish)
- 04b0b53 New translations en-us.ini (Serbian (Cyrillic))
- f57a103 New translations en-us.ini (Slovenian)
- 9ad1b60 New translations en-us.ini (Slovak)
- ab5f78e New translations en-us.ini (Russian)
- cf53737 New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese)
- 9d56fed New translations en-us.ini (Polish)
- 8694516 New translations en-us.ini (Norwegian)
- a5a9de4 New translations en-us.ini (Dutch)
- b42a403 New translations en-us.ini (Korean)
- aafbdb7 New translations en-us.ini (Japanese)
- 8702b28 New translations en-us.ini (Italian)
- b11aa9c New translations en-us.ini (Hungarian)
- e41436b New translations en-us.ini (Hebrew)
- 3e1f00f New translations en-us.ini (Greek)
- 5411601 New translations en-us.ini (German)
- 3b25f76 New translations en-us.ini (Danish)
- 0240d03 New translations en-us.ini (Czech)
- 3942f5a New translations en-us.ini (Arabic)
- 896f65f New translations en-us.ini (Spanish)
- c27181d New translations en-us.ini (French)
- 6c619f0 New translations en-us.ini (Romanian)
- 43f3c99 New translations en-us.ini (German (Informal))
- 140c8af New translations en-us.ini (Karakalpak)
- a0f2940 New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Latin America)
- b3497b9 New translations en-us.ini (English (upside down))
- ed32e6a New translations en-us.ini (Kashmiri)
- cc1c4d6 New translations en-us.ini (Pirate English)
- e45782b New translations en-us.ini (English, United Kingdom)
- f9c6e3e New translations en-us.ini (Latvian)
- 7e7f05a New translations en-us.ini (Estonian)
- 0ed0647 New translations en-us.ini (Croatian)
- aff4c9c New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Mexico)
- 2859f08 New translations en-us.ini (Khmer)
- 64f7455 New translations en-us.ini (Persian)
- 860f83f New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese, Brazilian)
- d786b6a New translations en-us.ini (Icelandic)
- 9053dc4 New translations en-us.ini (Vietnamese)
- 935b16f New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Traditional)
- 57bb9cc New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Simplified)
- 2ab13c1 New translations en-us.ini (Turkish)
- b5cc17b New translations en-us.ini (Swedish)
- 7179425 New translations en-us.ini (Serbian (Cyrillic))
- 2ed18a4 New translations en-us.ini (Slovenian)
- 9d99bb3 New translations en-us.ini (Slovak)
- dcf79be New translations en-us.ini (Russian)
- 154e3bc New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese)
- b153ae9 New translations en-us.ini (Polish)
- dbdfac5 New translations en-us.ini (Norwegian)
- 21acc6a New translations en-us.ini (Dutch)
- 608440c New translations en-us.ini (Korean)
- f98a29a New translations en-us.ini (Japanese)
- 2a8f7c6 New translations en-us.ini (Italian)
- 9f8ced3 New translations en-us.ini (Hungarian)
- de8739c New translations en-us.ini (Hebrew)
- 7a4daf6 New translations en-us.ini (Greek)
- 95e5715 New translations en-us.ini (German)
- 08c352a New translations en-us.ini (Danish)
- b9890db New translations en-us.ini (Czech)
- 88bbe9a New translations en-us.ini (Arabic)
- bcae7e5 New translations en-us.ini (Spanish)
- 1ae1afa New translations en-us.ini (French)
- 3a9f57f New translations en-us.ini (Romanian)
- 9824f82 Update source file en-US.ini
- 88a7f29 New translations en-us.ini (German (Informal))
- 80541a0 New translations en-us.ini (Karakalpak)
- ba76f78 New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Latin America)
- 73e0827 New translations en-us.ini (English (upside down))
- 0d1354d New translations en-us.ini (Kashmiri)
- 9e764c0 New translations en-us.ini (Pirate English)
- 58c7df1 New translations en-us.ini (English, United Kingdom)
- 26c78cd New translations en-us.ini (Latvian)
- 0dcf038 New translations en-us.ini (Estonian)
- 46552a2 New translations en-us.ini (Croatian)
- 09ca448 New translations en-us.ini (Spanish, Mexico)
- 418fa9d New translations en-us.ini (Khmer)
- 52e0f78 New translations en-us.ini (Persian)
- eb25d4f New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese, Brazilian)
- ff1f676 New translations en-us.ini (Icelandic)
- 4a6aa3c New translations en-us.ini (Vietnamese)
- c52864a New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Traditional)
- 4553166 New translations en-us.ini (Chinese Simplified)
- c6b3a31 New translations en-us.ini (Turkish)
- 8bca032 New translations en-us.ini (Swedish)
- 3f0a9ca New translations en-us.ini (Serbian (Cyrillic))
- 300d4c3 New translations en-us.ini (Slovenian)
- d47979a New translations en-us.ini (Slovak)
- 888144f New translations en-us.ini (Russian)
- 712efd3 New translations en-us.ini (Portuguese)
- 014557b New translations en-us.ini (Polish)
- c2722a8 New translations en-us.ini (Nor...
Leantime v3.3.1
Changes in this Release
- Fix for BASE_URL/APP_URL issue
- Fix for configuration.php support (also now officially deprecated)
- Fix for open basedir restriction issue on avatar creation
- Fix for cache prefixes on cluster mode
History from v3.3.0
to @
- b667cc5 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.1
- 9285883 Update StringableMacros.php
- 138de0e update comments for phpstan
- 671794b mixin updates
- ab23d11 Adding comments for phpstan
- 4eabdb1 Resolving open basedir restrictions with font files in avatar generation scripts
- c4032e0 Version bump
- 1875f07 code style fixes
- 8ad64a6 Update .gitignore
- 99357d0 Deprecate configuration.php file and create backward support
- cbc8aff Ensure current project is selected for new sprints
- 6da255a Fix debug calls in ldap service
- e1f8943 code style fixes
- 9aa3ffb code style fixes
- ded3cac Fix constant url handling
- 60ed1c1 Move BASE_URL set to config bootstrap to fix mixed url issue #2787
- beccd6c Fixing cache pre-fix issues when using redis cluster
- 93359df [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.0
- Marcel Folaron (16 commits)
.gitignore | 1 +
.idea/php.xml | 63 ++++++++ | 167 ++++++++++++++++++++++
app/Core/Bootstrap/LoadConfig.php | 42 ++++++
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Configuration/Environment.php | 7 +
app/Core/Configuration/laravelConfig.php | 58 ++++----
app/Core/Db/Db.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Fileupload.php | 13 +-
app/Core/Http/HttpKernel.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Http/IncomingRequest.php | 35 +----
app/Core/Middleware/LoadPlugins.php | 15 +-
app/Core/Middleware/StartSession.php | 2 +
app/Core/Providers/Cache.php | 7 +-
app/Core/Providers/LoadMacros.php | 26 ++++
app/Core/Providers/Redis.php | 41 ++++--
app/Core/Support/StringableMacros.php | 36 +++++
app/Domain/Api/Controllers/Projects.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Api/Controllers/Users.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Auth/Templates/userInvite.tpl.php | 111 --------------
app/Domain/Ideas/Repositories/Ideas.php | 4 +
app/Domain/Ldap/Services/Ldap.php | 18 +--
app/Domain/Plugins/Services/Registration.php | 8 +-
app/Domain/Projects/Repositories/Projects.php | 17 ++-
app/Domain/Sprints/Templates/sprintdialog.tpl.php | 21 +--
app/Domain/Users/Repositories/Users.php | 18 ++-
app/helpers.php | 70 +++++++++
composer.json | 2 +-
composer.lock | 2 +-
config/configuration.sample.php | 6 +-
config/sample.env | 2 +-
makefile | 2 +-
package.json | 2 +-
public/dist/mix-manifest.json | 30 ++--
tests/Unit/app/Core/ApplicationUrlTest.php | 111 ++++++++++++++
35 files changed, 686 insertions(+), 261 deletions(-)
Leantime v3.3.0
Changes in this Release
- Leantime core was re-written to be compliant with Laravel (10.x)
- Coding Style Enforcement using Laravel Pint
- New onboarding flow for invited users
- Significant performance improvements up to (70% increased throughput and reduced load times) due to cache and session improvements
- Many many many bug fixes
(Large) Fixes
- [Fix] Broken Leantime CLI was fixed and hardened
- [Fix] Admin users were seeing all users on all projects even if not assigned.
- [Fix] Login Issues due to Cookie Secure Flag solved. (default is now false and can be set via config)
- [Fix] Rewired configuration management to be more flexible
- [Fix] Improved plugin installation and error management
- [Fix] Fixed various security issues of un-escaped inputs
- [Fix] Fix cron and email queue
- Various others
Breaking Changes
- Various event names have changed due to the new folder structure in core. Please check the documentation for updated event path tokens.
- API Endpoints have not changed
New Contributors
- @das-nagnag made their first contribution in #2742
- @xdubx made their first contribution in #2747
- @UnconsciousBlaringHuman made their first contribution in #2768
History from v3.2.1
to @
Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.3.0
- 93359df [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.3.0
- 7b11f85 Delete changelog.yml
- 938c360 package update
- d9587b9 Fix code style
- 332bfdb update updater
- be7a20c Update EventDispatcher.php
- 2674245 composer path finder and event backwardscompatibility
- 8b97857 Add back method needed for some plugins
- fd0305b style fixes
- c66d964 tests and event dispatcher test
- 56e475c Update Projects.php
- 608a409 Fix plugin loading issue with phar files
- 28d8c23 Find different way to clear viewPath Cache on plugin enablement
- b042953 Harden plugin installation process
- 3c518cc Config updates
- 67d2cdb Update Db.php
- 81d753b fix code style
- 02c4b9b fixing tests
- 401c8fb Updating db provider to use laravel db class
- 6343c4e clean up grouping design
- a93d7c1 Copmposer file clean up
- d59e63e Bump @sentry/browser from 7.119.0 to 7.119.1
- 3ed6eb7 Bump elliptic from 6.5.7 to 6.6.1
- 3a01ac5 Bump cookie and express
- 284ec9b check host set up
- b64483f Update .gitignore
- 4d3b9c9 Delete .idea/codebuddy.xml
- 65f38b8 Fixing code styles
- 429cb41 Fix project selection in sprint dates #2444
- 217c674 Fix broken exception class usage
- 5c9d500 Support for browser spellcheck
- 5bb46d2 Fixing editor reload issues
- 16bd682 Set date for new comments
- cea9764 Fix domain issue #2734
- 9667175 update sample config
- 87fd25c Update staticAnalysis.yml
- 73c6540 fix code style
- 1eb6ac1 turn off autocomplete
- 6b03ecc Escape get calls
- d8b1099 Don't display svgs
- 28ec349 project webhook url escapes
- 71fe68a escaping api key name
- 3f8b2c6 Escaping input
- ce1d207 html entities around firstname in emails to prevent html from showing up
- 2c3ad8d Strip tags from notifications
- cd42d2c workflow test naming
- f3dfa7d Update unittests.yml
- 20e3eaa Test renaming
- 66c97e6 Update SetCacheHeaders.php
- 0d8611d Testing Suite cleanup
- 5e8005a Fix code styles
- 40cc55a Secure cache handling for logged in users
- 20a25f9 Adding constant to test setup
- f07e266 Update Acceptance.php
- 18da027 remove cached files
- 77f5383 Create .gitignore
- dcfdb75 missing folders
- 8c68cbe update to latest ubuntu action runner
- 1dbd0a2 check newer version of ubuntu
- 62e8309 Update composer.lock
- e82c97f Fixing tests
- efdd31f Update acceptance tests
- ab6267e Updating and fixing unit tests
- bf9f774 Event management improvement. Plugin middleware and helper
- 578b2e5 cache updates
- d26a244 Onboarding improvements cleanup
- dad5cf3 make file updates
- 650a87e Misc fixes
- 3b0cd0a Calendar fixes
- 7887663 API management improvements
- b4c9e82 Onboarding improvements
- d1a6c71 Improved Authentication layer
- 61e4fb2 Improved theme styles
- b672289 Improved caching
- ddccedb Event Management Improvements and compliance with Laravel
- 064eb85 Update Leantime Core to be compliant with Laravel
- 318f054 Update AbstractPluginCommand.php
- 123e9c0 Optimize Leantime CLI handling
- 8e46fdd Update Leantime Core to be Laravel Compliant
- cdb85d9 Fixed a typo in
- 4634603 cli: fix crash when running commands
- 0c44064 Update
- 1542341 Update
- 6a1b9c1 add autoDiscoverUrl
- 282dfd0 1744: remove whitespace
- b53abfc 1744: add sr label to button
- d83ee73 1744: add reset due date feature to dashboard ticket
- 14b648c feat(i10n): add and update informal german translations
- 71e216a feat(i10n): add and update formal german translations
- 755fd80 first try implement key for iodc
- 0e7ddbb Update
- bc75483 Update
- 6ab1334 Update
- 0186567 Delete .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/sweep-template.yml
- 5d23f55 Update feature_request.yml
- 2f7807e Update and rename to feature_request.yml
- 53a5c0e Update bug_report.yml
- 63c408f Update bug_report.yml
- 0fb52b9 Update bug_report.yml
- 915e16a Update bug_report.yml
- 7ad0cb6 Update bug_report.yml
- 8940d28 Update bug_report.yml
- 52cdaba Rename bug_report.yaml to bug_report.yml
- 7a22fa8 Update and rename to bug_report.yaml
- 2ab2d92 [Fix] broken email queue for new users
- 3e9295a Add default value for backwards compatibility
- 5d12972 [Fix] Update project hub to only show project users who are directly assigned
- bb65c2f update documentation
- 28fcb97 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.2.1
- Marcel Folaron (93 commits)
- Sine Jespersen (3 commits)
- xdubx (2 commits)
- Ole (2 commits)
- Gloria (2 commits)
- UnconsciousBlaringHuman (1 commits)
- Girish Ramakrishnan (1 commits)
.dev/dev-apache-site.conf | 8 +-
.dev/dev-apache2.conf | 2 +-
.dev/docker-compose.tests.yaml | 7 +-
.dev/docker-compose.yaml | 14 +-
.dev/test.env | 10 +-
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ | 39 -
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml | 52 +
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ | 17 -
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml | 36 +
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/sweep-template.yml | 14 -
.github/ | 18 +-
.github/workflows/acceptancetests.yml | 19 +-
.github/workflows/changelog.yml | 24 -
.github/workflows/codeStyleAnalysis.yml | 22 +
.github/workflows/makefile.yml | 3 +-
.github/workflows/release.yml | 2 +-
.github/workflows/staticAnalysis.yml | 13 +-
.github/workflows/unittests.yml | 24 +
.gitignore | 7 +
.idea/leantime-oss.iml | 57 +-
.idea/php-test-framework.xml | 12 +-
.idea/php.xml | 146 +-
.idea/phpspec.xml | 75 -
.idea/phpunit.xml | 1 +
.lando.yml | 10 -
.phpstan/bootstrap.php | 14 +
.phpstan/phpstan.neon | 37 +
.phpunit.result.cache | 1 -
.pint/pint.json | 6 + | 200 +- | 11 +-
app/Command/AbstractPluginCommand.php | 17 +-
app/Command/AddUserCommand.php | 79 +-
app/Command/BackupDbCommand.php | 35 +-
app/Command/CheckEventListeners.php | 193 +
app/Command/DisablePluginCommand.php | 12 +-
app/Command/EnablePluginCommand.php | 10 +-
app/Command/InstallPluginCommand.php | 10 +-
app/Command/ListPluginCommand.php | 18 +-
app/Command/MigrateCommand.php | 82 +-
app/Command/RemovePluginCommand.php | 10 +-
app/Command/SaveSettingCommand.php | 27 +-
app/Command/TestEmailCommand.php | 19 +-
app/Command/UpdateLeantime.php | 111 +-
app/Core/Application.php | 161 +
app/Core/Bootloader.php | 107 +
app/Core/Bootstrap/Application.php | 743 ---
app/Core/Bootstrap/Bootloader.php | 175 -
app/Core/Bootstrap/LoadConfig.php | 146 +
app/Core/Bootstrap/SetRequestForConsole.php | 42 +
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 9 +-
app/Core/Configuration/DefaultConfig.php | 92 +-
app/Core/Configuration/Environment.php | 279 +-
app/Core/Configuration/laravelConfig.php | 464 ++
app/Core/Console/Application.php | 40 +
app/Core/Console/CliRequest.php | 1 +
app/Core/Console/ConsoleKernel.php | 338 +-
app/Core/Contracts/DTO.php | 14 +-
Leantime v3.2.1
Changes in this Release
- Various bug fixes in timesheets
- Hardening of plugin installation
- Fixed iCal issues
- Unit tests for latest bugs
History from v3.2.0
to @
- 28fcb97 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.2.1
- 982fcb7 version bump
- 1a4b3a4 update notifications
- d72930a revert trait
- 87b5995 some broken links
- 017a75e Various deprecation message fixed
- 807c849 Update showAll.tpl.php
- 1e07271 fixing varipous editor issues and wiki 500s
- 37dd4c6 Fix drag and drop for due + edit dates
- 1194c8b Update ShowMy.php
- 45d69b0 Remove existing ticket entries from dropdown list in my timesheet view
- 2d2ef6b Check if ticket has timesheets before deleting
- a768bf3 Update Export.php
- 89597c1 fix exception issue
- 1f351e3 Update Calendar.php
- 3136c33 create a unit test for getting ical
- 673296f fixing ical export issues
- 8a13a1c Update Plugins
- 4e8f6d3 Fix Theme Management and write tests
- 32e8ff5 Refactor module manager
- cfe4539 [fix] EventCache Management for plugins + add tests
- 59d5c56 phpstan fixes
- 460a9a6 Create designtokens.js
- 8c578c7 Update Integration.php
- 533ba5f Update staticAnalysis.yml
- 3c80050 Update Plugins
- d7387ad update comments
- fc6a91f updaet doc comments
- ec8d1d4 use json instead of curl
- a8593d8 remove module from headline
- e19945f Add api documentation generation via phpdocumentor
- a8b0d08 Fix double slash in modal calls
- 0ad3069 check for wiki issue
- 814f109 Fix LDAP AD login without domain (simply user ID).
- ef7720d Adding protected status archive back
- 3940627 fix openbasedir issue
- 9b3eb06 workaround for broken openbasedir issue with fonts
- 3385cd7 Fix use statements
- f51cccb Remove not needed counters from repos
- 46a5179 Fix file reuturn message on broken files
- a0cbf62 Improve api handling
- bc041b8 Identify cli usage
- 92d3698 Update makefile.yml
- dc22181 Update acceptancetests.yml
- 223cf2e [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.2.0
- Marcel Folaron (42 commits)
- hardkeo (1 commits)
.dev/.env | 133 -
.dev/docker-compose.tests.yaml | 8 +
.dev/docker-compose.yaml | 5 +-
.dev/test.env | 10 +-
.github/workflows/acceptancetests.yml | 4 +-
.github/workflows/makefile.yml | 4 +-
.github/workflows/staticAnalysis.yml | 3 +
.idea/leantime-oss.iml | 39 +-
.idea/php-test-framework.xml | 12 +-
.idea/php.xml | 58 +-
.idea/phpspec.xml | 12 +
.idea/phpunit.xml | 1 -
.idea/symfony2.xml | 5 +-
.phive/phars.xml | 4 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/class.api-md.twig | 57 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/config/ | 3 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/config/frontmatter.twig | 2 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/endpoint.api-md.twig | 1 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/include/macros.twig | 59 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/index.api-md.twig | 35 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/method.api-md.twig | 52 +
.phpdoc/template/api-md/template.xml | 12 +
.phpdoc/template/md/ | 2 +-
.phpdoc/template/md/ | 1 +
.phpdoc/template/md/ | 6 +-
.phpunit.result.cache | 1 + | 123 +-
app/Core/Bootstrap/Application.php | 19 +-
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Console/ConsoleKernel.php | 9 +-
app/Core/Events/EventDispatcher.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Http/ApiRequest.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Middleware/ApiAuth.php | 1 +
app/Core/Middleware/InitialHeaders.php | 6 +-
app/Core/Middleware/StartSession.php | 4 +-
app/Core/Providers/Theme.php | 21 +
app/Core/Theme.php | 67 +-
app/Domain/Api/Services/Api.php | 14 +
app/Domain/Api/Templates/apiKey.tpl.php | 18 +-
app/Domain/Api/Templates/newAPIKey.tpl.php | 5 +-
app/Domain/Auth/Controllers/KeepAlive.php | 3 +-
app/Domain/Auth/Services/Auth.php | 1 -
app/Domain/Calendar/Controllers/Export.php | 35 +-
app/Domain/Calendar/Controllers/ExternalCal.php | 12 +-
app/Domain/Calendar/Controllers/Ical.php | 20 +-
app/Domain/Calendar/Js/calendarController.js | 1 +
app/Domain/Calendar/Repositories/Calendar.php | 1 -
app/Domain/Calendar/Services/Calendar.php | 81 +-
.../Calendar/Templates/showMyCalendar.tpl.php | 50 +-
app/Domain/Canvas/Services/Canvas.php | 14 +-
app/Domain/Canvas/Templates/ | 3 +-
app/Domain/Clients/Services/Clients.php | 15 +
app/Domain/Comments/Services/Comments.php | 32 +-
.../Templates/submodules/generalComment.sub.php | 4 +-
app/Domain/Connector/Models/Integration.php | 12 -
app/Domain/Cron/Services/Cron.php | 9 +-
app/Domain/Files/Controllers/Get.php | 9 +-
app/Domain/Files/Services/Files.php | 17 +-
app/Domain/Files/Templates/showAll.tpl.php | 4 -
.../Goalcanvas/Controllers/DelCanvasItem.php | 5 +-
app/Domain/Goalcanvas/Services/Goalcanvas.php | 45 +-
.../Goalcanvas/Templates/canvasComment.blade.php | 2 +-
.../Goalcanvas/Templates/dashboard.blade.php | 30 +-
.../Goalcanvas/Templates/showCanvas.blade.php | 432 +-
app/Domain/Ideas/Services/Ideas.php | 14 +
app/Domain/Ldap/Services/Ldap.php | 11 +-
app/Domain/Menu/Repositories/Menu.php | 78 +-
app/Domain/Menu/Services/Menu.php | 29 +-
.../Modulemanager/Services/Modulemanager.php | 21 +-
.../Notifications/Controllers/GetLatestGrowl.php | 2 +
app/Domain/Notifications/Services/Messengers.php | 16 +
app/Domain/Notifications/Services/News.php | 10 +-
.../Notifications/Services/Notifications.php | 30 +-
app/Domain/Plugins/Hxcontrollers/Details.php | 8 +-
app/Domain/Plugins/Models/InstalledPlugin.php | 15 +-
app/Domain/Plugins/Services/Plugins.php | 98 +-
app/Domain/Projects/Models/Project.php | 4 +
app/Domain/Projects/Repositories/Projects.php | 57 +-
app/Domain/Projects/Services/Projects.php | 2870 ++++----
app/Domain/Projects/Templates/showProject.tpl.php | 15 +-
app/Domain/Queue/Services/Queue.php | 9 +-
app/Domain/Reactions/Services/Reactions.php | 29 +-
app/Domain/Reports/Services/Reports.php | 33 +-
app/Domain/Setting/Services/Setting.php | 33 +-
app/Domain/Sprints/Services/Sprints.php | 41 +-
app/Domain/Tags/Services/Tags.php | 13 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Controllers/DelTicket.php | 16 +
app/Domain/Tickets/Repositories/Tickets.php | 51 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Services/Tickets.php | 361 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Templates/delTicket.tpl.php | 22 +-
app/Domain/Timesheets/Controllers/ShowMy.php | 7 +
app/Domain/Timesheets/Repositories/Timesheets.php | 27 +
app/Domain/Timesheets/Services/Timesheets.php | 48 +-
app/Domain/Timesheets/Templates/showMy.tpl.php | 4 +-
app/Domain/Users/Controllers/EditOwn.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Users/Repositories/Users.php | 25 +-
app/Domain/Users/Services/Users.php | 69 +-
app/Domain/Widgets/Services/Widgets.php | 13 +
app/Domain/Wiki/Controllers/ArticleDialog.php | 4 +-
app/Domain/Wiki/Controllers/DelArticle.php | 3 +
app/Domain/Wiki/Controllers/DelWiki.php | 5 +-
app/Domain/Wiki/Controllers/Show.php | 168 +-
app/Domain/Wiki/Controllers/WikiModal.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Wiki/Js/wikiController.js | 42 +-
app/Domain/Wiki/Models/Template.php | 1 +
app/Domain/Wiki/Models/Wiki.php | 1 +
app/Domain/Wiki/Services/Wiki.php | 119 +-
app/Domain/Wiki/Templates/articleDialog.tpl.php | 16 +-
app/Domain/Wiki/Templates/show.tpl.php | 4 +-
app/Plugins | 2 +-
app/Views/Templates/sections/header.blade.php | 11 +-
app/Views/Templates/sections/pageBottom.blade.php | 9 -
blocklist.json | 1 -
composer.json | 14 +-
composer.lock | 786 ++-
dev-php.ini | 0
makefile | 12 +-
package-lock.json | 6825 +++++++++-----------
package.json | 3 +-
phpdoc-api.xml | 36 +
phpdoc.xml | 3 +-
phpstan.neon | 11 +-
public/assets/css/components/forms.css | 2 +-
public/assets/js/app/app.js ...
Leantime v3.2.0
Changes in this Release
Before upgrading
- Before you upgrade please disable all installed plugins. Once the upgrade is complete each plugin must be re-installed to get the latest version.
- When updating manually (copy pasting code) please ensure to remove old unneded classes in the core folder. It is best to do a full replace.
Breaking Changes
- The jsonRPC api was changed in various places. Please ensure to test any api integrations
- All plugins will need to be updated after an upgrade
- Session management is now handled via laravel. Solving a lot of our timeout and logout issues
- Improved logging and exception handling
- jsonRPCApi received a lot of new endpoints
- Support for Zapier was created. The Zapier integration is in alpha. You can access the private app here:
- Fixed various issues on CSV importer
- A lot of clean up of our core code
- 223cf2e [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.2.0
- 2ad43d2 Fixes to version management for plugins
- 53e546f [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.2.0
- 7c272f9 Update release.yml
- 3be5698 file list
- 16ad712 Timesheet fixes
- 7c4e93c Update Connector.php
- 5aeafc0 Update ApiClientTest.php
- b365dbe fixing csv
- 103c79e Rename eventhelpers trait
- 0c41896 fixing menu related bugs
- d8afdd9 Support for head requests
- a83f645 Update ApiClient.php
- cdf332d more cleanup
- 91dde9e Cleaning core file structure
- 15e26f8 version bump
- 26531b0 resolving conflicts
- f601580 Update composer.lock
- 679364a Fixing phpstan issues
- 73ad52c Misc template enhancements
- d58e164 Improves update check in case dbs have to be downgraded.
- 0538d68 Fixing various dateTime bugs across the system
- c64f09c Adding a new default job worker that can execute queue jobs via classes added to subject
- 7cb0199 Allow API to use any service and new api endpoints
- 9ac2732 Adding Redis Support for cache and sessions
- 30b4fff fix the canvas dialogue
- 9fd512b Fix for broken project favorite function
- 2bce7b6 Update queue service to include web worker
- b60b8be update event cache to include check for debug
- 0323519 Update bootstrap.php
- 19fd0d3 Update Logging.php
- d3d9008 test improvements
- aa36199 Update dockerfile
- a028f1e Fix docker permissions for log files
- d362108 Fix make file
- 6358e85 Clean up old excception handling in httpkernel
- 199ce6d piping environment config through
- 1fa1f46 Removed exception service provider since handler is managed in environment
- 5e5c0a6 Added Laravel exception handler with whoops
- c12ea2c Update
- 9397ee7 Fix localization issues for dates with translated day, month names
- 83a06bf Fix for storing language
- b4bfcd3 Move changelogConfig out of the workflow folder
- 6cd0649 version bump
- 559ab75 version bump
- 6764016 Fix for #2606 and saving new items on blueprints
- 89bcdd6 Install welcome message update
- 4d0f450 variable name update and feedback review
- 6f68fe1 variable name update
- 2c9e8f8 done
- a2fd8f8 feedback
- 256a23a remove unnecessary plugins
- 213f5a9 fix make build-dev compile issue and add ddev config
- 961b829 1882: move moreinfo into span
- a4e0b11 resolving the feedback
- 9422468 blade conversion
- 7a37ee2 Update for newer mysql version
- a78ed98 Lossless image filesize reduction
- 5c82d32 1882: add translations
- 8eaee14 1882: improve danish translation
- 966beb5 1882: add status, start and end date to milestone headline
- 3cf5c54 Improve current project setting flow
- c84d0ff Making laravel commands available
- b300219 Fix ambiguous modified field
- 375d700 phpstan update
- 6cd8c8d Fix csvimport
- 4be8103 Update release.yml
- ea70e34 Manifest updates
- 6e5ea13 clean up minimal theme
- 4f79ea9 fix history push error for modals
- a10bf2b Remove project detail step from onboarding
- 85a9648 Add modified fileds to db tables
- 0fff45e ensure default value is used in theme settings
- 6c2e9aa Ensure cache is set and used file for images
- 0fa5db2 update confetti management
- 78d6223 chore: remove unneeded comment
- 1e1a553 chore: switch to more specific function naming
- d4a7356 fix: utilize addTicket for new milestone
- 85fd91f chore: clean up function name to encapsulate for todo and not generic ticket
- 1c9dbc9 enhance: utilize
instead of making a new zapier function for update todo action - 7b6950e fix: utilize
instead of making new zapier function for action - 9489f4a chore: remove unneeded comment
- 0303b90 enhance: make function name for polling new idea clearer
- 77acbfd chore: remove unneccesary todo comment
- 5623801 chore: default to previous headline of ticket if headline not sent to update function
- 2c6ba5e fix: remove
requirement for updating ticket - e2dac9a fix: utilize user session with api key call
- cd9638f Updated polish translations
- 4278b96 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.2.0-beta-2
- bdc885f feat: zapier able to create timesheets via actions
- 8b2c7ec feat: ability for zapier to poll by new timesheets and updated timesheets
- 676461f feat: zapier actions to 1 - create todo 2 - create milestone 3 - update todo
- 63dca56 feat: ability for zapier to poll by new todo's and updated todo's
- 940175a feat: ability for zapier to poll by new milestones and updated milestones
- 4329be5 fix: ensure date attribute in tickets table gets updated when updating ticket
- 5cddaca feat: ability for zapier to poll by updated projects
- bdaf783 feat: ability for zapier to poll by new ideas and updated ideas
- 7521832 feat: ability for zapier to poll by goals and check for updated goals
- 167c8a8 feat: ability for zapier to poll by comments
- Marcel Folaron (58 commits)
- kylemcshea (22 commits)
- DESKTOP-SVBVC1U\HP (7 commits)
- Sine Jespersen (4 commits)
- Joseph Roberts (2 commits)
- phulstaert (1 commits)
- Peter Hulstaert (1 commits)
- Mateusz Tylec (1 commits)
.ddev/.env | 8 +
.ddev/config.yaml | 280 +++
.dev/.env | 4 +
.dev/dev-apache-site.conf | 8 +-
.dev/dev-apache2.conf | 2 +-
.dev/docker-compose.yaml | 12 +-
.dev/dockerfile | 2 +-
.dev/test.env | 2 +-
.dev/xdebug.ini | 4 +-
.github/ | 23 +-
.github/{workflows => }/changelogConfig.yml | 0
.github/workflows/release.yml | 26 +-
.gitignore | 1 -
.idea/blade.xml | 119 +
.idea/codeception.xml | 5 +-
.idea/encodings.xml | 6 +
.idea/laravel-idea.xml | 6 +
.idea/leantime-oss.iml | 33 +-
.idea/php.xml | 113 +-
.idea/phpspec.xml | 27 + | 157 ++ | 2 +- | 2 +-
app/Command/BackupDbCommand.php | 5 +-
app/Command/TestEmailCommand.php | 6 +-
app/Command/UpdateLeantime.php | 8 +-
app/Core/AppSettings.php | 51 -
app/Core/{ => Bootstrap}/Application.php | 69 +-
app/Core/{ => Bootstrap}/Bootloader.php | 29 +-
app/Core/CliRequest.php | 8 -
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 18 +
app/Core/{ => Configuration}/DefaultConfig.php | 38 +-
app/Core/{ => Configuration}/Environment.php | 2 +-
app/Core/Console/CliRequest.php | 10 +
app/Core/{ => Console}/ConsoleKernel.php | 18 +-
app/Core/{ => Contracts}/Service.php | 4 +-
app/Core/{ => Controller}/Composer.php | 2 +-
app/Core/{ => Controller}/Controller.php | 19 +-
app/Core/{ => Controller}/Frontcontroller.php | 7 +-
app/Core/{ => Controller}/HtmxController.php | 7 +-
app/Core/{ => Db}/Db.php | 10 +-
app/Core/{ => Db}/Repository.php | 11 +-
.../DispatchesEvents.php} | 8 +-
.../{Events.php => Events/EventDispatcher.php} | 130 +-
app/Core/ExceptionHandler.php | 74 -
app/Core/Exceptions/ExceptionHandler.php | 600 +++++
app/Core/Exceptions/HandleExceptions.php | 361 +++
app/Core/Exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.php | 25 +
app/Core/Exceptions/ReportableHandler.php | 82 +
app/Core/Exceptions/WhoopsHandler.php | 90 +
app/Core/Fileupload.php | 28 +-
app/Core/{ => Http}/ApiRequest.php | 2 +-
.../{ApiSession.php => Http/Client/ApiClient.php} | 4 +-
app/Core/{ => Http}/HtmxRequest.php | 2 +-
app/Core/{ => Http}/HttpKernel.php | 78 +-
app/Core/{ => Http}/IncomingRequest.php | 50 +-
app/Core/Language.php | 45 +-
app/Core/Mailer.php | 10 +-
app/Core/Middleware/ApiAuth.php | 10 +-