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  1. Download ZIP from releases
  2. Extract to [server directory]/garrysmod/addons
  3. Run the server
  4. The Medic Kiosk entity is automatically added to the TEAM_MEDIC job

Remember - this version is the latest and might have bugs! Scary!
If you're looking for a version you can use on your server, check the releases page.

Server console variables

Remember to define these in your server console and not your server.cfg. Like this:

Variable Value Description
medickiosk_maxprice number value The maximum price the medic can charge for people to use their Kiosk.
medickiosk_minprice number value The minimum price the medic can charge for people to use their Kiosk.
medickiosk_cooldown number value How long a player must wait before using the Medic Kiosk again.
The value represents seconds.

DarkRP modification snippets

In /darkrp_customthings/categories.lua:

DarkRP.createCategory {
  name = "Medic Kiosk", -- The name of the category.
  categorises = "entities", -- What it categorises. MUST be one of "jobs", "entities", "shipments", "weapons", "vehicles", "ammo".
  startExpanded = true, -- Whether the category is expanded when you open the F4 menu.
  color = Color(215, 180, 36, 255), -- The color of the category header.

In /darkrp_customthings/entities.lua:

DarkRP.createEntity("Medic Kiosk", {
    ent = "medic_kiosk",
    model = "models/props_lab/hevplate.mdl",
    price = 500,
    max = 2,
    cmd = "buymedickiosk",
    allowed = {TEAM_MEDIC},
    category = "Medic Kiosk"

DarkRP.createEntity("Medic Kiosk (Refill)", {
    ent = "medic_kiosk_refill",
    model = "models/healthvial.mdl",
    price = 100,
    max = 2,
    cmd = "buymedickioskrefill",
    allowed = {TEAM_MEDIC},
    category = "Medic Kiosk"


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