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An Fast variant calling tool to detection germline and somatic variants


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FastVC is a high-performance and versatile mutation detection tool, which distinguishes between somatic and germline sequencing applications and simultaneously calls single nucleotide variants (SNVs), multiple-nucleotide variants (MNVs), insertions,and deletions(InDels) and complex variants.


Installation of binaries

The easiest way to use FastVC is to grab a binary from here. We provide dependency-free(zlib required) binaries for x86_64 Linux.

Installation from source code

FastVC is written in c++ for Linux platforms, you can download the source code and FastVC use some features supported by std-c++-11. So, c++ 11 or higher version is required. For better performance, ICPC is used as the default compiler. Just Comipile FastVC with CMake:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DHTS_PREFIX=<path to htslib> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREDIX=<install path> ..
$ make -j4
$ make install

Then the binary file of FastVC will be installed as bin/FastVC if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX not specified.

Testing dataset


For germline mode, we use a recently published benchmarking dataset for small-variants which from the de novo PacBio assemblies of two fully homozygoushuman cell lines. It declared to provides a relatively more accurate and lessbiased estimate of small-variant-calling error rates. the tested data is aligned to GRCh37 and can be downloaded from CHM1_CHM13_2.


In terms of somatic benchmarking, we use tumor and normal datasets from National Center for Clinical Laboratories (NCCL) for quality assessment of somatic mutations detection. Raw sequencing files containing 97 somatic variants.There are two sequence file (both 14GB) which contains 116M reads in B1701 tumor dataset, and two sequence file (both 11GB) which contains 92M reads in B17NC normal dataset data can be requested in NCCL

Required Input

In FastVC, the following input are required:

  • Alignment .bam files.

    The .bam file should be sorted and indexed.

  • Region file .bed, or specify the region by -R parameter

  • Genome reference file .fa or .fasta, like hg19.fa or hg38.fa.

    the reference file should be indexed (.fai).

Run Example

1. Variant Detection

User can specify one region with -r parameter:

./FastVC \
  -R chr1:2829690-4918526  \
  -G /home/data/hg38.fa \
  -f 0.001 -N sample_name -b /home/data/CHM1_CHM13_2.bam \
  -c 1 -S 2 -E 3 \
  --out ./out.vcf

User can also specify multi pregions with bed file:

./FastVC \
  -i /home/data/NA12878/WGSRegions.bed \
  -G /home/data/hg38.fa \
  -f 0.001 -N sample_name -b /home/data/CHM1_CHM13_2.bam \
  -c 1 -S 2 -E 3 \
  --out ./out.vcf

2. Format

cat ./out.vcf | ./teststrandbias.R | -N sample_name -f 0.01
cat ./out.vcf | ./testsomatic.R | ./ -N sample_name -f 0.01

if you use --fisher paramater when runing FastVC, then you do not need the fisher test step by R file. just

cat ./out.vcf | -N sample_name -f 0.01
cat ./out.vcf | ./ -N sample_name -f 0.01

Use the fisher exact test in FastVC is much faster than use the R script, but the test function in R script is a little accurate.


  -H, --help                  Print this help page
  -p, --pileup                Do pileup regardless of the frequency
  -C, --Chr_name              Indicate the chromosome names are just numbers, such as 1, 2, not chr1, chr2 (deprecated)
  -D, --debug                 Debug mode.  Will print some error messages and append full genotype at the end.
  -t, --dedup                 Indicate to remove duplicated reads.  Only one pair with same start positions will be kept
  -3, --3-prime               Indicate to move indels to 3-prime if alternative alignment can be achieved.
  -K, --calcu_Ns              Include Ns in the total depth calculation
  -u, --uni                   Indicate unique mode, which when mate pairs overlap, the overlapping part will be counted only once
			                  using forward read only.
      --UN                    Indicate unique mode, which when mate pairs overlap, the overlapping part will be counted only once
			                  using first read only.
      --chimeric              Indicate to turn off chimeric reads filtering.
      --deldupvar             Turn on deleting of duplicate variants. Variants in this mode are considered and outputted only if
			                  start position of variant is inside the region interest.
  -y, --verbose
  -F, --Filter                The hexical to filter reads using samtools. Default: 0x504 (filter 2nd alignments, unmapped reads
			                  and duplicates).  Use -F 0 to turn it off. (string [=1284])
  -z, --zero_based            Indicate whether coordinates are zero-based, as IGV uses.  Default: 1 for BED file or amplicon BED
			                  file.Use 0 to turn it off. When using the -R option, it's set to 0
  -k, --local_realig          Indicate whether to perform local realignment.  Default: 1.  Set to 0 to disable it.  For Ion or
			                  PacBio, 0 is recommended. (int [=1])
  -a, --amplicon              Indicate it's amplicon based calling. Reads that don't map to the amplicon will be skipped. A read
			                  pair is considered belonging to the amplicon if the edges are less than int bp to the amplicon,
			                  and overlap fraction is at least float.  Default: 10:0.95 (string [=])
  -c, --column                The column for chromosome (int [=2])
  -G, --Genome_fasta          The reference fasta. Should be indexed (.fai). (string)
  -R, --Region                The region of interest. In the format of chr:start-end. If end is omitted, then a single position.
			                  No BED is needed. (string [=])
  -d, --delemiter             The delimiter for split region_info, default to tab "\t" (string [=	])
  -n, --regular_expression    The regular expression to extract sample name from BAM filenames.
			                  Default to: /([^\/\._]+?)_[^\/]*.bam/ (string [=/([^\/\._]+?)_[^\/]*.bam/])
  -N, --Name                  The sample name to be used directly.  Will overwrite -n option (string [=])
  -b, --in_bam                The indexed BAM file (string)
  -S, --region_start          The column for region start, e.g. gene start (int [=6])
  -E, --region_end            The column for region end, e.g. gene end (int [=7])
  -s, --seg_start             The column for segment starts in the region, e.g. exon starts (int [=9])
  -e, --seg_end               The column for segment ends in the region, e.g. exon ends (int [=10])
  -g, --gene_name             The column for gene name, or segment annotation (int [=12])
  -x, --numcl_extend          The number of nucleotide to extend for each segment, default: 0 (int [=0])
  -B, --min                   The minimum # of reads to determine strand bias, default 2 (int [=2])
  -Q, --Quality               If set, reads with mapping quality less than INT will be filtered and ignored (int [=0])
  -q, --phred_score           The phred score for a base to be considered a good call.  Default: 25 (for Illumina) For PGM, set
			                  it to ~15, as PGM tends to under estimate base quality. (double [=22.5])
  -m, --mismatch              If set, reads with mismatches more than INT will be filtered and ignored.  Gaps are not counted as
			                  mismatches. Valid only for bowtie2/TopHat or BWA aln followed by sampe.  BWA mem is calculated as
			                  NM - Indels.  Default: 8, or reads with more than 8 mismatches will not be used. (int [=8])
  -T, --trim                  Trim bases after [INT] bases in the reads (int [=0])
  -X, --extension             Extension of bp to look for mismatches after insersion or deletion.  Default to 2 bp, or only calls
			                  when they're within 2 bp. (int [=2])
  -P, --Position              The read position filter.  If the mean variants position is less that specified, it's considered
			                  false positive.  Default: 5 (int [=5])
  -I, --Indel_size            The indel size.  Default: 50bp (int [=50])
      --th                    Threads count. (int [=0])
      --fisher                Experimental feature: fisher test
  -M, --Min_macth             The minimum matches for a read to be considered. If, after soft-clipping, the matched bp is less
			                  than INT, then the read is discarded. It's meant for PCR based targeted sequencing where there's no
			                  insert and the matching is only the primers. Default: 0, or no filtering (int [=0])
  -A, --STD                   The number of STD. A pair will be considered for DEL if INSERT > INSERT_SIZE + INSERT_STD_AMT *
			                  INSERT_STD.  Default: 4 (int [=4])
  -L, --minlen_sv             The minimum structural variant length to be presented using <DEL> <DUP> <INV> <INS>, etc.
			                  Default: 1000. Any indel, complex variants less than this will be spelled out with exact
			                  nucleotides. (int [=1000])
  -Y, --ref-extension         Extension of bp of reference to build lookup table. Default to 1200 bp. Increase the number will
			                  slowdown the program. The main purpose is to call large indels with 1000 bit that can be missed by
			                  discordant mate pairs. (int [=1200])
  -r, --minimum_reads         The minimum # of variant reads, default 2 (int [=2])
  -o, --Qratio                The Qratio of (good_quality_reads)/(bad_quality_reads+0.5).  The quality is defined by -q option.
			                  Default: 1.5 (double [=1.5])
  -O, --MapQ                  The reads should have at least mean MapQ to be considered a valid variant.
			                  Default: no filtering (double [=0])
  -V, --freq                  The lowest frequency in the normal sample allowed for a putative somatic mutation.
			                  Defaults to 0.05 (double [=0.05])
  -f, --allele_fre            The threshold for allele frequency, default: 0.01 or 1% (double [=0.01])
  -Z, --downsample            For downsampling fraction.  e.g. 0.7 means roughly 70% downsampling.  Default: No downsampling.
			                  Use with caution.  The downsampling will be random and non-reproducible. (double [=0])
      --VS                    How strict to be when reading a SAM or BAM.
			                  STRICT	- throw an exception if something looks wrong.
			                  LENIENT	- Emit warnings but keep going if possible.
			                  SILENT	- Like LENIENT, only don't emit warning messages.
			                  Default: LENIENT (string [=LENIENT])
      --adaptor               Filter adaptor sequences so that they aren't used in realignment. Multiple adaptors can be supplied
			                  by setting them with comma, like: --adaptor ACGTTGCTC,ACGGGGTCTC,ACGCGGCTAG . (string [=])
  -J, --crispr                The genomic position that CRISPR/Cas9 suppose to cut, typically 3bp from the PAM NGG site and
			                  within the guide.  For CRISPR mode only.  It will adjust the variants (mostly In-Del) start and end
			                  sites to as close to this location as possible,if there are alternatives. The option should only be
			                  used for CRISPR mode. (int [=0])
  -j, --CRISPR_fbp            In CRISPR mode, the minimum amount in bp that a read needs to overlap with cutting site.  If a read does not meet the criteria,
			                  it will not be used for variant calling, since it is likely just a partially amplified PCR.  Default: not set, or no filtering (int [=0])
      --mfreq                 The variant frequency threshold to determine variant as good in case of monomer MSI.
			                  Default: 0.25 (double [=0.25])
      --nmfreq                The variant frequency threshold to determine variant as good in case of non-monomer MSI.
			                  Default: 0.1 (double [=0.1])
      --out                   The out put file path.
			                  Default: ./out.vcf (string [=./out.vcf])
  -i, --bed            		  The region file to be processed (string [=])                        
      --version               Print FastVC version information


FastVC paper is under reivew.


Licensed under the GPL v3.0 License.


An Fast variant calling tool to detection germline and somatic variants







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Contributors 3
