This repository contains the code to make the figures and perform analyses associated with the manuscript:
Nathan I. Wisnoski, Mathew A. Leibold, and Jay T. Lennon. 2019. "Dormancy in metacommunities". The American Naturalist: 194 (2), 135-151.
Box 2 contains an analysis of dispersal-dormancy covariation for aquatic invertebrate species that commonly inhabit tank bromeliads. The data for this analysis is from the following source:
Régis Céréghino. 2018. Constraints on the functional trait space of aquatic invertebrates in bromeliads. Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity. doi:10.5063/F1VD6WMF.
Box 3 contains a simulation model that compares dispersal-diversity relationships with and without dormancy, under different types of dispersal-dormancy covariation.