You need a python version installed locally.
1. With virtualenv
Upgrade PIP
pip install -U pip
pip install virtualenv
Create your virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
Within your virtual environment
A web browser managed from selenium will launch, it will be used to automatically download files from website that need authentification :
- Cults3d required to be connected to your account to download file
- paid files can't be acquired for free, you need to be connected to the website hosting paid files
It uses selenium webbrowser to get the cookies and automatized the connection, the user just need to login to the service he wants to download files !
Thingiverse has an API and user dont need to be authentificated
Each mesh is a node
Each node has different rules (rotate, merge, scale...)
Configuration file allow user to make a miniBuilder about everything !
check data/<builder>/conf.json
Back (python):
- Flask (framework web)
- Trimesh (edit mesh)
- networkx (graph) Software Back:
- blender (optional, for boolean dif, not used in prod but works in dev ex: hole for magnet)
Front :
- native JS
- bootstrap
- THREE.JS (live edit)
Working on it, but in the futur I want to monetize my work on the project. However dunno how yet !
So you can't copy my work without asking me, the code of miniBuilder is the propriety of Leopold Grosjean (lol) !
The configuration files can be shared and are not included in the license (all the data folder)
pyinstaller --name miniBuilder --add-data "minibuilder;minibuilder/"