This will be an application where your main objective is to create a shopping cart hook. You will have access to two pages, a component and a hook to implement the features requested in this challenge:
- Add a new product to your cart.
- Remove a product from the cart.
- Change the quantity of a product in the cart.
- Calculation of sub-total and total cart prices.
- Stock validation.
- Displaying error messages.
- Between others.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- Typescript
- ReacJS
- Axios
- Unform
- Styled Components
- Json Server
- React-Icons
- Polished
- React-Toastify
# You need to install Node.js, then in order to clone the project via HTTPS, run this command:
# or use the download option.
# Install dependencies
$ yarn install
$ npm install
# Run the following command to start the fake API with JSON Server to simulate an API that has foods information:
$ yarn server
$ npm server
# Run the following command to start the application in a development environment:
$ yarn start
$ npm start
# Access http://localhost:3000
challenge 01 - Rocketshoes - Notion Info.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
by Leonardo Dias 😛