Leondoff / bestsource
Forked from StreamService/bestsourceBestSource (abbreviated as BS) is a cross-platform wrapper library around FFmpeg that ensures always sample and frame accurate access to audio and video with good seeking performance for everything…
Leondoff / articles
Forked from alxkm/articlesCode samples for articles stuff
Leondoff / system-failure
Forked from NitrixXero/system-failureMatrix Trinity Typing Effect
Implementation of contracts for ERC-4337 account abstraction via alternative mempool.
Created with CodeSandbox
Basic Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Leondoff / gpt-researcher
Forked from assafelovic/gpt-researcherGPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic
A Full utility Platform example made in ReactJS Framework, full authentication utility using the firebase database.
# Frontend Mentor - E-commerce product page
Leondoff / pyenv-win
Forked from whitenight-eco/pyenv-winpyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of singl…
Change PNG Color using JavaScript and Canvas.
Leondoff / RecyclerPager
Forked from jughoor/RecyclerPagerUsing RecyclerView and SnapHelper replace ViewPager
⚡ A portfolio website built using ASP.NET Core Web API and Vue JS
A curated list of awesome developer-first tools products.
Leondoff / missing-semester
Forked from punkestu/missing-semesterMissing semester akan bantu kamu mempelajari apa saja yang akan kalian gunakan saat kuliah dan yang perlu dikuasai programmer
3D Portfolio with character movements developed using Three.js, React.js, Blender Models and React-Three-Fiber with interactive elements.
🎋 A collection listing all Achievements available on the GitHub profile 🏆 and how to get them🏅
Leondoff / nyarlathotep
Forked from sohamviradiya/nyarlathotepSecure Chat App