This R package contains reconstruction files for a 1° x 1° spatial grid rotated to the midpoint age of all Phanerozoic stratigraphic stages (0–540 Ma). Palaeocoordinates were generated via the GPlates API service, and include the following models:
- MULLER2019
- MULLER2016
- MATTHEWS2016_mantle_ref
- MATTHEWS2016_pmag_ref
- SETON2012
The package also contains an uncertainty file for the 1° x 1° spatial grid, which provides the palaeolongitudinal and palaeolatitudinal range from all reconstruction files, for each cell and timestep.
Due to file size limitations, palaeorotate is not available on CRAN. However, the development version can be installed via GitHub:
# Install the development version from GitHub
Please note that the palaeorotate package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.