Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out. Link to source material: https://youtu.be/kCc8FmEb1nY GitHub: https://github.com/karpathy/ng-video-lecture
- EX1: The n-dimensional tensor mastery challenge: Combine the
into one class that processes all the heads in parallel, treating the heads as another batch dimension (answer is in nanoGPT). - EX2: Train the GPT on your own dataset of choice! What other data could be fun to blabber on about? (A fun suggestion if you like: train on all the possible 3-digit addition problems and predict the sum in the reverse order. Does your Transformer learn the correct addition algorithm? Does it correctly generalize to the validation set?).
- EX3: Find a dataset that is very large, so large that you can't see a gap between train and val loss. Pretrain the transformer on this data, then initialize with that model and finetune it on tiny shakespeare with a smaller number of steps and lower learning rate. Can you obtain a lower validation loss by the use of pretraining?
- EX4: Read some transformer papers and implement one additional feature or change that people seem to use. Does it improve the performance of your GPT?