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Split deterministic tests into separate modules (input-output-hk#2823)
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This patch splits the deterministic tests into separate modules, so that
new tests can be added easily on them.
  • Loading branch information
adinapoli-iohk authored and parsonsmatt committed Apr 26, 2018
1 parent 7f87340 commit c2c6500
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Showing 6 changed files with 324 additions and 251 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions wallet-new/cardano-sl-wallet-new.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -248,6 +248,10 @@ executable cardano-integration-test

build-depends: base
, aeson
Expand Down
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions wallet-new/integration/AddressSpecs.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module AddressSpecs (addressSpecs) where

import Universum

import Cardano.Wallet.Client.Http
import Control.Lens hiding ((^..), (^?))
import Test.Hspec

import Util

addressSpecs :: WalletRef -> WalletClient IO -> Spec
addressSpecs wRef wc = do
describe "Addresses" $ do
it "Creating an address makes it available" $ do
-- create a wallet
Wallet{..} <- sampleWallet wRef wc

-- create an account
accResp <- postAccount wc walId (NewAccount Nothing "hello")
acc@Account{..} <- wrData <$> accResp `shouldPrism` _Right

-- accounts should exist
accResp' <- getAccounts wc walId
accs <- wrData <$> accResp' `shouldPrism` _Right
accs `shouldContain` [acc]

-- create an address
addResp <- postAddress wc (NewAddress Nothing accIndex walId)
addr <- wrData <$> addResp `shouldPrism` _Right

-- verify that address is in the API
idxResp <- getAddressIndex wc
addrs <- wrData <$> idxResp `shouldPrism` _Right

map addrId addrs `shouldContain` [addrId addr]

it "Index returns real data" $ do
addrsResp <- getAddressIndex wc
addrs <- wrData <$> addrsResp `shouldPrism` _Right

addrsResp' <- getAddressIndex wc
addrs' <- wrData <$> addrsResp' `shouldPrism` _Right

addrs `shouldBe` addrs'
264 changes: 13 additions & 251 deletions wallet-new/integration/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,21 +5,19 @@ module Main where

import Universum

import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Errors (WalletError (WalletAlreadyExists), toServantError)
import Cardano.Wallet.Client.Http
import Control.Lens hiding ((^..), (^?))
import Data.Map (fromList)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import qualified Pos.Core as Core
import Servant (errBody)
import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stdout, utf8)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck (arbitrary, generate)

import AddressSpecs (addressSpecs)
import CLI
import Functions
import TransactionSpecs (transactionSpecs)
import Types
import Util (WalletRef, newWalletRef)
import WalletSpecs (walletSpecs)

-- | Here we want to run main when the (local) nodes
-- have started.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +57,10 @@ main = do

hspec $ deterministicTests walletClient
-- Acquire the initial state for the deterministic tests
wRef <- newWalletRef

hspec $ deterministicTests wRef walletClient
actionDistribution :: ActionProbabilities
actionDistribution = do
Expand All @@ -85,247 +86,8 @@ initialWalletState wc = do
fromResp = (either throwM (pure . wrData) =<<)

deterministicTests :: WalletClient IO -> Spec
deterministicTests wc = do
describe "Addresses" $ do
it "Creating an address makes it available" $ do
-- create a wallet
Wallet{..} <- sampleWallet

-- create an account
accResp <- postAccount wc walId (NewAccount Nothing "hello")
acc@Account{..} <- wrData <$> accResp `shouldPrism` _Right

-- accounts should exist
accResp' <- getAccounts wc walId
accs <- wrData <$> accResp' `shouldPrism` _Right
accs `shouldContain` [acc]

-- create an address
addResp <- postAddress wc (NewAddress Nothing accIndex walId)
addr <- wrData <$> addResp `shouldPrism` _Right

-- verify that address is in the API
idxResp <- getAddressIndex wc
addrs <- wrData <$> idxResp `shouldPrism` _Right

map addrId addrs `shouldContain` [addrId addr]

it "Index returns real data" $ do
addrsResp <- getAddressIndex wc
addrs <- wrData <$> addrsResp `shouldPrism` _Right

addrsResp' <- getAddressIndex wc
addrs' <- wrData <$> addrsResp' `shouldPrism` _Right

addrs `shouldBe` addrs'

describe "Wallets" $ do
it "Creating a wallet makes it available." $ do
newWallet <- createRandomWallet
Wallet{..} <- createWalletCheck newWallet

eresp <- getWallet wc walId
void $ eresp `shouldPrism` _Right

it "Updating a wallet persists the update" $ do
newWallet <- createRandomWallet
wallet <- createWalletCheck newWallet
let newName = "Foobar Bazquux"
newAssurance = NormalAssurance
eupdatedWallet <- updateWallet wc (walId wallet) WalletUpdate
{ uwalName = newName
, uwalAssuranceLevel = newAssurance
Wallet{..} <- wrData <$> eupdatedWallet `shouldPrism` _Right
walName `shouldBe` newName
walAssuranceLevel `shouldBe` newAssurance

it "CreateWallet with the same mnemonics rises WalletAlreadyExists error" $
testWalletAlreadyExists CreateWallet

it "RestoreWallet with the same mnemonics throws WalletAlreadyExists" $
testWalletAlreadyExists RestoreWallet

describe "Transactions" $ do
it "posted transactions appear in the index" $ do
genesis <- genesisWallet
(fromAcct, _) <- firstAccountAndId genesis

wallet <- sampleWallet
(toAcct, toAddr) <- firstAccountAndId wallet

let payment = Payment
{ pmtSource = PaymentSource
{ psWalletId = walId genesis
, psAccountIndex = accIndex fromAcct
, pmtDestinations = pure PaymentDistribution
{ pdAddress = addrId toAddr
, pdAmount = halfOf (accAmount fromAcct)
, pmtGroupingPolicy = Nothing
, pmtSpendingPassword = Nothing
halfOf (V1 c) = V1 (Core.mkCoin (Core.getCoin c `div` 2))

etxn <- postTransaction wc payment

txn <- fmap wrData etxn `shouldPrism` _Right

eresp <- getTransactionIndex wc
(Just (walId wallet))
(Just (accIndex toAcct))
resp <- fmap wrData eresp `shouldPrism` _Right

map txId resp `shouldContain` [txId txn]

it "estimate fees of a well-formed transaction" $ do
ws <- (,)
<$> (createRandomWallet >>= createWalletCheck)
<*> (createRandomWallet >>= createWalletCheck)

((fromAcct, _), (_toAcct, toAddr)) <- (,)
<$> firstAccountAndId (fst ws)
<*> firstAccountAndId (snd ws)

let amount = V1 (Core.mkCoin 42)

let payment = Payment
{ pmtSource = PaymentSource
{ psWalletId = walId (fst ws)
, psAccountIndex = accIndex fromAcct
, pmtDestinations = pure PaymentDistribution
{ pdAddress = addrId toAddr
, pdAmount = amount
, pmtGroupingPolicy = Nothing
, pmtSpendingPassword = Nothing

efee <- getTransactionFee wc payment
fee <- fmap (feeEstimatedAmount . wrData) efee `shouldPrism` _Right
fee `shouldSatisfy` (> amount)

it "fails if you spend too much money" $ do
wallet <- sampleWallet
(toAcct, toAddr) <- firstAccountAndId wallet

let payment = Payment
{ pmtSource = PaymentSource
{ psWalletId = walId wallet
, psAccountIndex = accIndex toAcct
, pmtDestinations = pure PaymentDistribution
{ pdAddress = addrId toAddr
, pdAmount = tooMuchCash (accAmount toAcct)
, pmtGroupingPolicy = Nothing
, pmtSpendingPassword = Nothing
tooMuchCash (V1 c) = V1 (Core.mkCoin (Core.getCoin c * 2))
etxn <- postTransaction wc payment

void $ etxn `shouldPrism` _Left

randomWallet action =
generate $
<$> arbitrary
<*> pure Nothing
<*> arbitrary
<*> pure "Wallet"
<*> pure action
createRandomWallet = randomWallet CreateWallet

testWalletAlreadyExists action = do
newWallet1 <- randomWallet action
preWallet2 <- randomWallet action
let newWallet2 =
{ newwalBackupPhrase = newwalBackupPhrase newWallet1
-- First wallet creation/restoration should succeed
result <- postWallet wc newWallet1
void $ result `shouldPrism` _Right
-- Second wallet creation/restoration should rise WalletAlreadyExists
eresp <- postWallet wc newWallet2
clientError <- eresp `shouldPrism` _Left
let errorBody = errBody $ toServantError WalletAlreadyExists
case clientError of
ClientHttpError (FailureResponse response) ->
responseBody response `shouldBe` errorBody
_ ->
expectationFailure $
"expected (ClientHttpError FailureResponse) but got: "
<> show clientError

createWalletCheck newWallet = do
result <- fmap wrData <$> postWallet wc newWallet
result `shouldPrism` _Right

firstAccountAndId wallet = do
etoAccts <- getAccounts wc (walId wallet)
toAccts <- fmap wrData etoAccts `shouldPrism` _Right

toAccts `shouldSatisfy` (not . null)
let (toAcct : _) = toAccts

accAddresses toAcct `shouldSatisfy` (not . null)
let (toAddr : _) = accAddresses toAcct

pure (toAcct, toAddr)

-- this is a "Safe' usage of `unsafePerformIO`. if it's too gross then
-- I can delete it.
walletRef :: MVar Wallet
walletRef = unsafePerformIO newEmptyMVar
{-# NOINLINE walletRef #-}

sampleWallet :: IO Wallet
sampleWallet = do
mwallet <- tryTakeMVar walletRef
case mwallet of
Just wallet -> do
putMVar walletRef wallet
pure wallet
Nothing -> do
w <- createRandomWallet
w' <- createWalletCheck w
didWrite <- tryPutMVar walletRef w'
if didWrite
then pure w'
else readMVar walletRef

genesisWallet :: IO Wallet
genesisWallet = do
mwallet <- tryTakeMVar genesisRef
case mwallet of
Just wallet -> do
putMVar genesisRef wallet
pure wallet
Nothing -> do
Right allWallets <- fmap wrData <$> getWallets wc
wallet <- maybe
(fail "Genesis wallet is missing; did you import it prior to executing the test-suite?")
(find (("Genesis wallet" ==) . walName) allWallets)
didWrite <- tryPutMVar genesisRef wallet
if didWrite
then pure wallet
else readMVar genesisRef

genesisRef :: MVar Wallet
genesisRef = unsafePerformIO newEmptyMVar
{-# NOINLINE genesisRef #-}

shouldPrism :: Show s => s -> Prism' s a -> IO a
shouldPrism a b = do
a `shouldSatisfy` has b
let Just x = a ^? b
pure x

infixr 8 `shouldPrism`
deterministicTests :: WalletRef -> WalletClient IO -> Spec
deterministicTests wref wc = do
addressSpecs wref wc
walletSpecs wref wc
transactionSpecs wref wc

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