JSX-beautify is used to beautify JSX code.
Beautify your JSX files. You can speicific a global rc file to save your beautify settings. You can use hot key Ctrl+M (Command+M) to beautify your JSX file.
VSC 1.6 and above.
Add a global settings:
: Set a global jsbeautifyrc file for some options. For example:
"gogocrow.beautify.jsbeautifyrc": "/Users/gogocrow/.jsbeautifyrc"
Here is a sample for the file content:
"end_with_newline": true,
"indent_size": 2,
"jsx": {
"alignWithFirstAttribute": false,
"bracepadding": false,
"braces": "knr",
"spaceclose": true,
"methodchain": "chain",
"objsort": "all",
"formatObject": "indent",
"ternaryline": true,
"wrap": 100