This is on going work for The task is to determine if the patient is likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer or not within one year, given his current CT scans.
The plan is not fixed yet.
There are two possible systems. The first one is using 3d segmentation. It labels each 3d voxel belonging to a nodule or not. The second one is based on 3d object detection. Here, 3d scanning windows of different size and aspects are classified to conatain a nodule or not. This is very much like 3d faster-rcnn.
It is also not decided if we need a "decision tree layer" or the "ordinary dense or convolution layer" will be sufficient.
Version.0 is uploaded. It is an example implementation to train and test on very small dummy dataset (32 images). I don't expect the results to be good. But it shows the implementation is correct and hopefully it is bug-free. Please see the folder "version.0".
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