A Node/Express app that uses the Geonames to access coordinates for a user-given location, the Weatherbit API to access weather for that location and given date, and the Pixabay API to get a photo for that location.
Technologies: Node, Express, JavaScript, HTML, Sass, Webpack, Geonames API, Weatherbit API, Pixabay API
- Clone the repo and
cd travel-planner
- Run
npm install
to install the node modules - Obtain API keys/username and add to a .env file:
- Add
file to root directory - Add your keys to the file as follows:
- Run
npm start
to start the server (running on http://localhost:3000/) - Run
npm run build:dev
to build and run the webpack dev server with hot reloading - This should automatically open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to view the app, updating when code changes are made.
- Run
npm run build:prod
to build the app in production mode - Run
npm start
to start the server - Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to view the app, which will serve the compiled frontend production code
- Searches Pixabay for an image using the state and country name if no results are found for the destination city
- Includes one week of forecasts
- User can add multiple trips
With more time, I would like to:
- Improve the styling, in particular the display of the forecast and the date placeholder text
- Order the saved trips by date, and scroll to the newly added trip on save
- Save trips to local storage and render the previously saved trips on page load
- Collapse "Add Trip" form if there are saved trips, and expand on form click
- Build out tests further