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A System for Latent Aspect Detection


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💃 LADy*: A System for Latent Aspect Detection

*Suggested by Christine!

LADy is a python-based framework to facilitate research in aspect detection, which involves extracting aspects of products or services in reviews toward which customers target their opinions and sentiments. Aspects could be explicitly mentioned in reviews or be latent due to social background knowledge. With a special focus on latent aspect detection , LADy hosts various canonical aspect detection methods and benchmark datasets of unsolicited reviews from semeval and google reviews. LADy's object-oriented design allows for easy integration of new methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics. Notably, LADy features review augmentation via natural language backtranslation that can be seamlessly integrated into the training phase of the models to boost efficiency and improve efficacy during inference.

1. Setup

LADy has been developed on Python 3.8 and can be installed by conda or pip, docker:

git clone --recursive
cd LADy
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate lady
git clone --recursive
cd LADy
pip install -r requirements.txt
docker run -it --name lady_container

This command installs compatible versions of the following libraries:

./src/cmn: transformers, sentence_transformers, scipy, simalign, nltk

./src/aml: gensim, nltk, pandas, requests, bitermplus, contextualized_topic_models, fasttext

others: pytrec-eval-terrier, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, tqdm

The following aspect detection baselines will be also cloned as submodules:




Additionally, the following libraries should be installed:

Microsoft C++ Build Tools as a requirement of biterm topic modeling in ./src/

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
python -m nltk.downloader punkt

Further, we reused octis as submodule ./src/octis for unsupervised neural aspect modeling using e.g., neural lda:

cd src/octis
python install

2. QuickstartOpen In Colab

For quickstart purposes, a toy sample of reviews has been provided at ./data/raw/semeval/toy.2016SB5/ABSA16_Restaurants_Train_SB1_v2.xml. You can run LADy by:

cd ./src
python -naspects 5 -am rnd -data ../data/raw/semeval/toy.2016SB5/ABSA16_Restaurants_Train_SB1_v2.xml -output ../output/toy.2016SB5/

This run will produce an output folder at ../output/toy.2016SB5/ and a subfolder for rnd aspect modeling (random) baseline. The final evaluation results are aggregated in ../output/toy.2016SB5/agg.pred.eval.mean.csv.

3. Structure

LADy has two layers:

Common layer (cmn) includes the abstract class definition for Review. Important attributes of Review are:

self.aos: stores a list of (aspect, opinion, sentiment) triples for each sentence of a review, and

self.augs: stores the translated (Review_) and back-translated (Review__) versions of the original review along with the semantic similarity of back-translated version with original review in a dictionay {'lang': (Review_, Review__, semantic score)}

self.parent: whether self is an original review or a translated or back-translated version.

This layer further includes SemEvalReview, which is a realization of Review class for reviews of SemEval datasets. Specifically, this class overrides loading SemEval's reviews into Review objects and stores it into a pickle file after preprocessing. Pickle file is later used by models for training and testing purposes. Sample pickle files for a toy dataset: ./output/toy.2016SB5/ABSA16_Restaurants_Train_SB1_v2.xml, there are some where the filename review.{list of languages}.pkl shows the review objects also include back-translated versions in {list of languages}.

class diagram for review

Aspect model layer (aml) includes the abstract class definition AbstractAspectModel for aspect modeling methods. Important methods of are:

self.train(reviews_train, reviews_valid, ..., output): train the model on input training and validation samples and save the model in output,

self.infer(review): infer (predict) the aspect of a given review, which is an ordered list of self.naspect aspects with different probability scores, like [(0, 0.7), (1, 0.1), ...] To view the actual aspect terms (tokens), self.get_aspect_words(aspect_id) can be used which returns an ordered list of terms with probability scores like [('food', 0.4),('sushi', 0.3), ...]

self.load(path): loads a saved trained model.

This layer further includes realizations for different aspect modeling methods like,

Local LDA [Brody and Elhadad, NAACL2010] in ./src/aml/,

Biterm Topic Modeling [WWW2013] in ./src/aml/,

Contextual Topic Modeling [EACL2021] in ./src/aml/,

BERT-E2E-ABSA [W-NUT@EMNLP2019] in ./src/bert-e2e-absa,

fastText [Joulin et al., EACL 2017] in ./src/aml/,

HAST [IJCAI2018] in ./src/hast

CAt [ACL2020] in ./src/cat,

Random in ./src/aml/, which returns a shuffled list of tokens as a prediction for aspects of a review to provide a minimum baseline for comparison.

Sample models trained on a toy dataset can be found ./output/toy.2016SB5//{model name}.

class diagram for aspect modeling hierarchy

LADy's driver code accepts the following args:

-naspects: the number of possible aspects for a review in a domain, e.g., -naspect 5, like in restaurant we may have 5 aspects including ['food', 'staff', ...]

-am: the aspect modeling (detection) method, e.g., -am lda, including rnd, lda,btm, ctm, nrl, bert, fast, hast, cat

-data: the raw review file, e.g., -data ../data/raw/semeval/toy.2016SB5/ABSA16_Restaurants_Train_SB1_v2.xml

-output: the folder to store the pipeline outputs, e.g., -output ../output/toy.2016SB5/ABSA16_Restaurants_Train_SB1_v2.xml including preprocessed reviews, trained models, predictions, evaluations, ...

LADy knows the methods' hyperparameters and evaluation settings from ./src/

Here is the codebase folder structure:

├── src
|   ├── cmn
|   |   ├──   -> class definition for review as object
|   |   ├──  -> overridden class for semeval reviews
|   |   ├──  -> overridden class for twitter reviews
|   ├── aml
|   |   ├──      -> abstract aspect model to be overridden by baselines
|   |   ├──      -> random aspect model that randomly predicts aspects
|   |   ├──      -> unsupervised aspect detection based on LDA
|   |   ├──      -> unsupervised aspect detection based on biterm topic modeling
|   |   ├──      -> unsupervised aspect detection based on contextual topic modeling (neural)
|   |   ├──      -> unsupervised aspect detection based on neural topic modeling
|   |   ├──     -> supervised aspect detection and sentiment analysis using pre-trained language model and neural end-to-end ABSA
|   |   ├──     -> supervised aspect detection and sentiment analysis based on text classification (multinomial logistic regression)
|   ├──       -> running settings of the pipeline
|   ├──         -> main driver of the pipeline

-output {output}

LADy runs the pipleline for ['prep', 'train', 'test', 'eval', 'agg'] steps and generates outputs in the given -output path:

['prep']: loads raw reviews and generate review objects in {output}/review.{list of languages}.pkl like ./output/toy.2016SB5/

['train']: loads review objects and create an instance of aspect modeling (detection) method given in -am {am}. LADy splits reviews into train and test based on params.settings['train']['ratio'] in ./src/ LADy further splits train into params.settings['train']['nfolds'] for cross-validation and model tuning during training. The result of this step is a collection of trained models for each fold in {output}/{naspect}.{languges used for back-translation}/{am}/ like ./output/toy.2016SB5/5.arb_Arab/lda

├── f{k}.model            -> saved aspect model for k-th fold
├── f{k}.model.dict       -> dictionary of tokens/words for k-th fold

['test']: predicts the aspects on the test set with params.settings["test"]["h_ratio"] * 100 % latent aspect meaning that this percentage of the aspects will be hidden in the test reviews. Also, the model will which has been saved in the previous step (train) will be loaded to be used for inference. The results of inference will be pairs of golden truth aspects with the inferred aspects sorted based on their probability that will be saved for each fold in {output}/{naspect}/{am}/ like ./output/toy.2016SB5/5/lda

├── f{k}.model.pred.{h_ratio}        -> pairs of golden truth and inferred aspects with (h_ratio * 100) % hidden aspects for k-th fold

['eval']: evaluate the inference results in the test step and save the results for different metrics in params.settings['eval']['metrics'] for different k in params.settings["eval"]["topkstr"]. The result of this step will be saved for each fold in {output}/{naspect}/{am}/ like ./output/toy.2016SB5/5/lda

├── f{k}.model.pred.{h_ratio}       -> evaluation of inference for k-th fold with (h_ratio * 100) % hidden aspects
├── model.pred.{h_ratio}.csv        -> mean of evaluation for all folds with (h_ratio * 100) % hidden aspects

['agg']: aggregate the inferred result in this step for all the aspect models in all the folds and for all the h_ratio values will be saved in a file in {output}/ like ./output/toy.2016SB

├── agg.pred.eval.mean.csv          -> aggregated file including all inferences on a specific dataset

4. Experiment

We conducted a series of experiments involving backtranslation using six different natural languages that belong to diverse language families. These experiments aimed to explore the effect of backtranslation augmentation across various aspect detection methods and domains, particularly in the context of restaurant and laptop reviews, where aspects may not necessarily be explicitly mentioned but are implicitly present with no surface form (latent). Through our findings, we observed a synergistic impact, indicating that the utilization of backtranslation enhances the performance of aspect detection whether the aspect is 'explicit' or 'latent'.


LADy utilizes state-of-the-art semeval datasets to augment the english datasets with backtranslation via different languages and evaluate latent aspect detection. Specifically, training sets from semeval-14 for restaurant and laptop reviews, as well as restaurant reviews from semeval-15 and semeval-16 are employed. Training sets from twitter for reviews on celebrities, products, and companies are also employed. Moreover, we have created a compact and simplified version of the original datasets, referred to as a toy dataset, for our experimental purposes.

dataset file (.xml)
semeval-14-laptop ./data/raw/semeval/SemEval-14/Laptop_Train_v2.xml
semeval-14-restaurant ./data/raw/semeval/SemEval-14/Semeval-14-Restaurants_Train.xml
semeval-15-restaurant ./data/raw/semeval/2015SB12/ABSA15_RestaurantsTrain/ABSA-15_Restaurants_Train_Final.xml
semeval-16-restaurant ./data/raw/semeval/2016SB5/ABSA16_Restaurants_Train_SB1_v2.xml
twitter ./data/raw/twitter/acl-14-short-data/train.raw
toy ./data/raw/semeval/toy.2016SB5/ABSA16_Restaurants_Train_SB1_v2.xml

Statistics on original and backtranslated reviews

The reviews were divided into sentences, and our experiments were conducted on each sentence treated as an individual review, assuming that each sentence represents a single aspect. The statistics of the datasets can be seen in the table below.

exact match
dataset #reviews avg #aspects chinese farsi arabic french german spanish
semeval-14-laptop 1,488 1.5846 0.1763 0.2178 0.2727 0.3309 0.3214 0.3702
semeval-14-restaurant 2,023 1.8284 0.1831 0.2236 0.2929 0.3645 0.3724 0.4088
semeval-15-restaurant 0,833 1.5354 0.2034 0.2312 0.3021 0.3587 0.3907 0.4128
semeval-16-restaurant 1,234 1.5235 0.2023 0.2331 0.2991 0.3556 0.3834 0.4034
twitter 6,248 1.0000 0.0812 0.1040 0.1593 0.1815 0.1962 0.2171


The average performances of 5-fold models with backtranslation and lack thereof have been reported in our CIKM23 paper, also shown below:


The table below presents the provided links to directories that hold the remaining results of our experiment. These directories consist of diverse aspect detection models applied to different datasets and languages, with varying percentages of latent aspects.

dataset review files (english, chinese, farsi, arabic, french, german, spanish, and all) and results' directory
semeval-14-laptop ./output/Semeval-14/Laptop/ 45.5 GB
semeval-14-restaurant ./output/Semeval-14/Restaurants/ 58.6 GB
semeval-15-restaurant ./output/2015SB12/ 53.9 GB
semeval-16-restaurant ./output/2016SB5/ 55.2 GB
twitter ./output/twitter/ 285 GB
toy ./output/toy.2016SB5/ 2.37 GB

Due to OOV (an aspect might be in test set which is not seen in traning set during model training), we may have metric@n for n >> +inf not equal to 1.

5. License

©2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

6. Acknowledgments

In this work, we use LDA, bitermplus, OCTIS, pytrec_eval, SimAlign, DeCLUTR, No Language Left Behind (NLLB), HAST, BERT-E2E-ABSA, fastText, and other libraries and models. We extend our gratitude to the respective authors of these resources for their valuable contributions.

7. Contributing

We strongly encourage and welcome pull requests from contributors. If you plan to make substantial modifications, we kindly request that you first open an issue to initiate a discussion. This will allow us to have a clear understanding of the modifications you intend to make and ensure a smooth collaboration process.


A System for Latent Aspect Detection







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