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TPAMI:Frequency-aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction

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TPAMI 2024:Frequency-aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction

The preliminary official implementation of our TPAMI 2024 paper "Frequency-aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction", which is also available at

Interested readers are also referred to an insightful Note about this work in Zhihu (TODO).



Dense image prediction tasks demand features with strong category information and precise spatial boundary details at high resolution. To achieve this, modern hierarchical models often utilize feature fusion, directly adding upsampled coarse features from deep layers and high-resolution features from lower levels. In this paper, we observe rapid variations in fused feature values within objects, resulting in intra-category inconsistency due to disturbed high-frequency features. Additionally, blurred boundaries in fused features lack accurate high frequency, leading to boundary displacement. Building upon these observations, we propose Frequency-Aware Feature Fusion (FreqFusion), integrating an Adaptive Low-Pass Filter (ALPF) generator, an offset generator, and an Adaptive High-Pass Filter (AHPF) generator. The ALPF generator predicts spatially-variant low-pass filters to attenuate high-frequency components within objects, reducing intra-class inconsistency during upsampling. The offset generator refines large inconsistent features and thin boundaries by replacing inconsistent features with more consistent ones through resampling, while the AHPF generator enhances high-frequency detailed boundary information lost during downsampling. Comprehensive visualization and quantitative analysis demonstrate that FreqFusion effectively improves feature consistency and sharpens object boundaries. Extensive experiments across various dense prediction tasks confirm its effectiveness.


  • We identify two significant issues present in widely-used standard feature fusion techniques: intra-category inconsistency and boundary displacement. We also introduce feature similarity analysis to quantitatively measure these issues, which not only contributes to the development of new feature fusion methods but also has the potential to inspire advancements in related areas and beyond.
  • We propose FreqFusion, which addresses category inconsistency and boundary displacement by adaptively smoothing the high-level feature with spatial-variant low-pass filters, resampling nearby category-consistent features to replace inconsistent features in the high-level feature, and enhancing the high frequency of lower-level features.
  • Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that FreqFusion increases intra-category similarity and similarity margin, leading to a consistent and considerable improvement across various tasks, including semantic segmentation, object detection, instance segmentation, and panoptic segmentation.


Method Overview💡





FreqFusion Usage🧠

The clean code for FreqFusion is available here. By utilizing their frequency properties, FreqFusion is capable of enhancing the quality of both low and high-resolution features (referred to as lr_feat and hr_feat, respectively, with the assumption that the size of hr_feat is twice that of lr_feat). The usage is very simple.

ff = FreqFusion(hr_channels=64, lr_channels=64)
hr_feat = torch.rand(1, 64, 32, 32)
lr_feat = torch.rand(1, 64, 16, 16)
_, hr_feat, lr_feat = ff(hr_feat=hr_feat, lr_feat=lr_feat) # lr_feat [1, 64, 32, 32]

Where should I integrate FreqFusion?

You should integrate FreqFusion wherever you need to perform upsampling. FreqFusion is capable of fully utilizing both low and high-resolution features, it can very effectively recover high-resolution, semantically accurate features from low-resolution high-level features, while enhancing the details of high-resolution low-level features.

Example of the concat version for feature fusion (SegNeXt, SegFormer):

You can refer to

x1, x2, x3, x4 = backbone(img) #x1, x2, x3, x4 in 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
x1, x2, x3, x4 = conv1x1(x1), conv1x1(x2), conv1x1(x3), conv1x1(x4) # channel=c
ff1 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=c)
ff2 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=2 * c)
ff3 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=3 * c)
_, x3, x4_up = ff1(hr_feat=x3, lr_feat=x4)
_, x2, x34_up = ff2(hr_feat=x2,[x3, x4_up]))
_, x1, x234_up = ff3(hr_feat=x1,[x2, x34_up]))
x1234 =[x1, x234_up] # channel=4c, 1/4 img size

Another example of the concat version for feature fusion (You may try for UNet):

x1, x2, x3, x4 = backbone(img) #x1, x2, x3, x4 in 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
x1, x2, x3, x4 = conv1x1(x1), conv1x1(x2), conv1x1(x3), conv1x1(x4) # conv1x1s in original FPN to align channel=c
ff1 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=c)
ff2 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=c)
ff3 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=c)
y4 = x4 # channel=c
_, x3, y4_up = ff1(hr_feat=x3, lr_feat=y4)
y3 = conv([x3 + y4_up])) # channel=c
_, x2, y3_up = ff2(hr_feat=x2, lr_feat=y3)
y2 = conv([x2 + y3_up])) # channel=c
_, x2, y2_up = ff3(hr_feat=x1, lr_feat=y2)
y1 = conv([x1 + y2_up])) # channel=c

Example of the add version for feature fusion (FPN-based methods):

You can refer to

x1, x2, x3, x4 = backbone(img) #x1, x2, x3, x4 in 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
x1, x2, x3, x4 = conv1x1(x1), conv1x1(x2), conv1x1(x3), conv1x1(x4) # conv1x1s in original FPN to align channel=c
ff1 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=c)
ff2 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=c)
ff3 = FreqFusion(hr_channels=c, lr_channels=c)
y4 = x4
_, x3, y4_up = ff1(hr_feat=x3, lr_feat=y4)
y3 = x3 + y4_up
_, x2, y3_up = ff2(hr_feat=x2, lr_feat=y3)
y2 = x2 + y3_up
_, x2, y2_up = ff3(hr_feat=x1, lr_feat=y2)
y1 = x1 + y2_up

The FreqFusion relies on mmcv libarary, you can install mmcv-full by:

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 -f
pip install mmcv-full==1.5.3 -f

You can refer to and select the appropriate installation command depending on the type of system, CUDA version, PyTorch version, and MMCV version.


MMData installation may be annoying, and although the adaptive low/high-filter in FreqFusion can use torch.nn.functional.unfold as a replacement (you can try), it may consume a large amount of GPU memory. Therefore, I suggest using MMData for efficiency.

Semantic Segmentation


Code of SegNeXt

Core modification:

Method Backbone Crop Size Lr Schd mIoU
SegNeXt MSCAN-T 512x512 160k 41.1
SegNeXt + FreqFusion MSCAN-T 512x512 160k 43.5


Method Backbone mIoU Configs Links
SegNeXt + FreqFusion MSCAN-T 43.7 (43.5 in paper) config ckpt (code: PAMI)


The original SegNeXt code can be found here.

Our code is based on MMSegmentation. You can install mmseg by:

pip install mmsegmentation==0.24.1

Please refer to for more details on installation, and for information on dataset preparation. For further details on code usage, you can refer to this.

You can install mmcv-full by:

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 -f
pip install mmcv-full==1.5.3 -f

For more details on installing and using SegNeXt, please refer to the README file.


Code of Mask2Former

Core modification:

Mask2Former Backbone mIoU
Bilinear Swin-B 53.9
FreqFusion (Ours) Swin-B 55.3 (+1.4)
Bilinear Swin-L 56.1
FreqFusion (Ours) Swin-L 56.8 (+0.7)


Mask2Former Backbone mIoU Configs Links
FreqFusion Swin-B 55.7 (55.3 in paper) config ckpt (code: PAMI)
FreqFusion Swin-L 57.0 (56.8 in paper) config ckpt (code: PAMI)


Install Mask2Former.

See Preparing Datasets for Mask2Former.

See Getting Started with Mask2Former.

See installation instructions.

For more details on installing and using Mask2Former, please refer to the README file.

Object Detection

Code for Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, Panoptic FPN: Here (mmdet==2.28.1)

Faster R-CNN(Detection) Backbone AP
Nearest R50 37.5
Deconv R50 37.3
PixelShuffle R50 37.5
CARAFE R50 38.6
IndexNet R50 37.6
A2U R50 37.3
FADE R50 38.5
SAPA-B R50 37.8
DySample-S+ R50 38.6
DySample+ R50 38.7
FreqFusion (Ours) R50 39.4
Nearest R101 39.4
DySample+ R101 40.5
FreqFusion (Ours) R101 41.0


Faster R-CNN Backbone Box AP Configs Links
FreqFusion ResNet-50 39.5 (39.4 in paper) config ckpt (code: PAMI)
FreqFusion ResNet-101 41.1 (41.0 in paper) config ckpt (code: PAMI)

Instance Segmentation

Model Backbone Box AP Mask AP
Nearest R50 38.3 34.7
Deconv R50 37.9 34.5
PixelShuffle R50 38.5 34.8
CARAFE R50 39.2 35.4
IndexNet R50 38.4 34.7
A2U R50 38.2 34.6
FADE R50 39.1 35.1
SAPA-B R50 38.7 35.1
DySample-S+ R50 39.3 35.5
DySample+ R50 39.6 35.7
FreqFusion (Ours) R50 40.0 36.0
Nearest R101 40.0 36.0
DySample+ R101 41.0 36.8
FreqFusion (Ours) R101 41.6 37.4


Mask R-CNN Backbone Mask AP Configs Links
FreqFusion ResNet-50 36.0 config ckpt (code: PAMI)
FreqFusion ResNet-101 37.3 config ckpt (code: PAMI)

Panoptic Segmentation

Panoptic FPN Backbone Params (M) PQ PQth PQst SQ RQ
Nearest R50 46.0 40.2 47.8 28.9 77.8 49.3
Deconv R50 +1.8 39.6 47.0 28.4 77.1 48.5
PixelShuffle R50 +7.1 40.0 47.4 28.8 77.1 49.1
CARAFE R50 +0.2 40.8 47.7 30.4 78.2 50.0
IndexNet R50 +6.3 40.2 47.6 28.9 77.1 49.3
A2U R50 +29.2K 40.1 47.6 28.7 77.3 48.0
FADE R50 +0.1 40.9 48.0 30.3 78.1 50.1
SAPA-B R50 +0.1 40.6 47.7 29.8 78.0 49.6
DySample-S+ R50 +6.2K 41.1 48.1 30.5 78.2 50.2
DySample+ R50 +49.2K 41.5 48.5 30.8 78.3 50.7
FreqFusion (Ours) R50 +0.3 42.7 49.3 32.7 79.0 51.9
Nearest R101 65.0 42.2 50.1 30.3 78.3 51.4
DySample+ R101 +49.2K 43.0 50.2 32.1 78.6 52.4
FreqFusion (Ours) R101 +0.3 44.0 50.8 33.7 79.4 53.4


Panoptic FPN Backbone PQ Configs Links
FreqFusion ResNet-50 42.7 config ckpt (code: PAMI)
FreqFusion ResNet-101 44.1 (44.0 in paper) config ckpt (code: PAMI)


Original code of mmdet can be found here.

For more details on installing and using mmdetection, please refer to the README file.


If you use our dataset or code for research, please cite this paper (early access now):

  author={Chen, Linwei and Fu, Ying and Gu, Lin and Yan, Chenggang and Harada, Tatsuya and Huang, Gao},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, 
  title={Frequency-aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction}, 


This code is built using mmsegmentation, Mask2Former, mmdetection libraries.


If you encounter any problems or bugs, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. To ensure effective assistance, please provide a brief self-introduction, including your name, affiliation, and position. If you would like more in-depth help, feel free to provide additional information such as your personal website link. I would be happy to discuss with you and offer support.


TPAMI:Frequency-aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction






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