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MINOR: Add Replication Quotas Test Rig
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This test rig lives in the other.kafka package so isn't part of our standard tests. It provides a convenient mechanism for measuring throttling performance over time. Measurements for each experiment are charted and presented to the user in an html file. The output looks like this:

- BrokerCount: 25
- PartitionCount: 100
- Throttle: 4,000,000 B/s
- MsgCount: 1,000
- MsgSize: 100,000
- TargetBytesPerBrokerMB: 400


Author: Ben Stopford <[email protected]>

Reviewers: Ewen Cheslack-Postava <[email protected]>

Closes apache#1957 from benstopford/throttling-test-rig
  • Loading branch information
benstopford authored and ewencp committed Jan 10, 2017
1 parent 54e2bd2 commit 044b56b
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Showing 4 changed files with 340 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ project(':core') {
testCompile libs.apachedsJdbmPartition
testCompile libs.junit
testCompile libs.scalaTest
testCompile libs.jfreechart

scoverage libs.scoveragePlugin
scoverage libs.scoverageRuntime
Expand Down
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions core/src/test/scala/other/kafka/ReplicationQuotasTestRig.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package other.kafka

import{File, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter}
import javax.imageio.ImageIO

import kafka.admin.ReassignPartitionsCommand
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import kafka.server.{KafkaConfig, KafkaServer, QuotaType}
import kafka.utils.TestUtils._
import kafka.utils.ZkUtils._
import kafka.utils.{CoreUtils, Logging, TestUtils, ZkUtils}
import kafka.zk.ZooKeeperTestHarness
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation
import org.jfree.chart.{ChartFactory, ChartFrame, JFreeChart}
import{XYSeries, XYSeriesCollection}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, mutable}

* Test rig for measuring throttling performance. Configure the parameters for a set of experiments, then execute them
* and view the html output file, with charts, that are produced. You can also render the charts to the screen if
* you wish.
* Currently you'll need about 40GB of disk space to run these experiments (largest data written x2). Tune the msgSize
* & #partitions and throttle to adjust this.
object ReplicationQuotasTestRig {
new File("Experiments").mkdir()
private val dir = "Experiments/Run" + System.currentTimeMillis().toString.substring(8)
new File(dir).mkdir()
val k = 1000 * 1000

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val displayChartsOnScreen = if (args.length > 0 && args(0) == "show-gui") true else false
val journal = new Journal()

val experiments = Seq(
//1GB total data written, will take 210s
new ExperimentDef("Experiment1", brokers = 5, partitions = 20, throttle = 1 * k, msgsPerPartition = 500, msgSize = 100 * 1000),
//5GB total data written, will take 110s
new ExperimentDef("Experiment2", brokers = 5, partitions = 50, throttle = 10 * k, msgsPerPartition = 1000, msgSize = 100 * 1000),
//5GB total data written, will take 110s
new ExperimentDef("Experiment3", brokers = 50, partitions = 50, throttle = 2 * k, msgsPerPartition = 1000, msgSize = 100 * 1000),
//10GB total data written, will take 110s
new ExperimentDef("Experiment4", brokers = 25, partitions = 100, throttle = 4 * k, msgsPerPartition = 1000, msgSize = 100 * 1000),
//10GB total data written, will take 80s
new ExperimentDef("Experiment5", brokers = 5, partitions = 50, throttle = 50 * k, msgsPerPartition = 4000, msgSize = 100 * 1000)
experiments.foreach(run(_, journal, displayChartsOnScreen))

if (!displayChartsOnScreen)

def run(config: ExperimentDef, journal: Journal, displayChartsOnScreen: Boolean) {
val experiment = new Experiment()
try {
experiment.setUp, journal, displayChartsOnScreen)
catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace()
finally {

case class ExperimentDef(name: String, brokers: Int, partitions: Int, throttle: Long, msgsPerPartition: Int, msgSize: Int) {
val targetBytesPerBrokerMB: Long = msgsPerPartition.toLong * msgSize.toLong * partitions.toLong / brokers.toLong / 1000000

class Experiment extends ZooKeeperTestHarness with Logging {
val topicName = "my-topic"
var experimentName = "unset"
val partitionId = 0
var servers: Seq[KafkaServer] = null
val leaderRates = mutable.Map[Int, Array[Double]]()
val followerRates = mutable.Map[Int, Array[Double]]()

def startBrokers(brokerIds: Seq[Int]) {
println("Starting Brokers")
servers = => createBrokerConfig(i, zkConnect))
.map(c => createServer(KafkaConfig.fromProps(c)))

override def tearDown() {
servers.par.foreach(server => CoreUtils.delete(server.config.logDirs))

def run(config: ExperimentDef, journal: Journal, displayChartsOnScreen: Boolean) {
experimentName =
val brokers = (100 to 100 + config.brokers)
var count = 0
val shift = Math.round(config.brokers / 2)

def nextReplicaRoundRobin(): Int = {
count = count + 1
100 + (count + shift) % config.brokers
val replicas = (0 to config.partitions).map(partition => partition -> Seq(nextReplicaRoundRobin())).toMap

createTopic(zkUtils, topicName, replicas, servers)

println("Writing Data")
val producer = TestUtils.createNewProducer(TestUtils.getBrokerListStrFromServers(servers), retries = 5, acks = 0)
(0 until config.msgsPerPartition).foreach { x =>
(0 until config.partitions).foreach { partition =>
producer.send(new ProducerRecord(topicName, partition, null, new Array[Byte](config.msgSize)))

println("Starting Reassignment")
val newAssignment = ReassignPartitionsCommand.generateAssignment(zkUtils, brokers, json(topicName), true)._1

val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
ReassignPartitionsCommand.executeAssignment(zkUtils, ZkUtils.formatAsReassignmentJson(newAssignment), config.throttle)

//Await completion
println(s"Reassignment took ${(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000}s")


renderChart(leaderRates, "Leader", journal, displayChartsOnScreen)
renderChart(followerRates, "Follower", journal, displayChartsOnScreen)
logOutput(config, replicas, newAssignment)

println("Output can be found here: " + journal.path())

def validateAllOffsetsMatch(config: ExperimentDef): Unit = {
//Validate that offsets are correct in all brokers
for (broker <- servers) {
(0 until config.partitions).foreach { partitionId =>
val offset = broker.getLogManager.getLog(new TopicPartition(topicName, partitionId)).map(_.logEndOffset).getOrElse(-1L)
if (offset >= 0 && offset != config.msgsPerPartition) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Run failed as offsets did not match for partition $partitionId on broker ${broker.config.brokerId}. Expected ${config.msgsPerPartition} but was $offset.")

def logOutput(config: ExperimentDef, replicas: Map[Int, Seq[Int]], newAssignment: Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[Int]]): Unit = {
val actual = zkUtils.getPartitionAssignmentForTopics(Seq(topicName))(topicName)
val existing = zkUtils.getReplicaAssignmentForTopics(

//Long stats
println("The replicas are " + replicas.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map("\n" + _))
println("This is the current replica assignment:\n" + actual.toSeq)
println("proposed assignment is: \n" + newAssignment)
println("This is the assigment we eneded up with" + actual)

//Test Stats
println(s"numBrokers: ${config.brokers}")
println(s"numPartitions: ${config.partitions}")
println(s"throttle: ${config.throttle}")
println(s"numMessagesPerPartition: ${config.msgsPerPartition}")
println(s"msgSize: ${config.msgSize}")
println(s"We will write ${config.targetBytesPerBrokerMB}MB of data per broker")
println(s"Worst case duration is ${config.targetBytesPerBrokerMB * 1000 * 1000/ config.throttle}")

private def waitForOffsetsToMatch(offset: Int, partitionId: Int, broker: KafkaServer, topic: String): Boolean = waitUntilTrue(() => {
offset == broker.getLogManager.getLog(new TopicPartition(topic, partitionId))
}, s"Offsets did not match for partition $partitionId on broker ${broker.config.brokerId}", 60000)

def waitForReassignmentToComplete() {
waitUntilTrue(() => {
}, s"Znode ${ZkUtils.ReassignPartitionsPath} wasn't deleted", 60 * 60 * 1000, pause = 1000L)

def renderChart(data: mutable.Map[Int, Array[Double]], name: String, journal: Journal, displayChartsOnScreen: Boolean): Unit = {
val dataset = addDataToChart(data)
val chart = createChart(name, dataset)

writeToFile(name, journal, chart)
maybeDisplayOnScreen(displayChartsOnScreen, chart)
println(s"Chart generated for $name")

def maybeDisplayOnScreen(displayChartsOnScreen: Boolean, chart: JFreeChart): Unit = {
if (displayChartsOnScreen) {
val frame = new ChartFrame(experimentName, chart)

def writeToFile(name: String, journal: Journal, chart: JFreeChart): Unit = {
val file = new File(dir, experimentName + "-" + name + ".png")
ImageIO.write(chart.createBufferedImage(1000, 700), "png", file)
journal.appendChart(file.getAbsolutePath, name.eq("Leader"))

def createChart(name: String, dataset: XYSeriesCollection): JFreeChart = {
val chart: JFreeChart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(
experimentName + " - " + name + " Throttling Performance",
"Time (s)",
"Throttle Throughput (B/s)",
, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false

def addDataToChart(data: mutable.Map[Int, Array[Double]]): XYSeriesCollection = {
val dataset = new XYSeriesCollection
data.foreach { case (broker, values) =>
val series = new XYSeries("Broker:" + broker)
var x = 0
values.foreach { value =>
series.add(x, value)
x += 1

def record(rates: mutable.Map[Int, Array[Double]], brokerId: Int, currentRate: Double) = {
var leaderRatesBroker: Array[Double] = rates.getOrElse(brokerId, Array[Double]())
leaderRatesBroker = leaderRatesBroker ++ Array(currentRate)
rates.put(brokerId, leaderRatesBroker)

def printRateMetrics() {
for (broker <- servers) {
val leaderRate: Double = measuredRate(broker, QuotaType.LeaderReplication)
if (broker.config.brokerId == 100)
info("waiting... Leader rate on 101 is " + leaderRate)
record(leaderRates, broker.config.brokerId, leaderRate)
if (leaderRate > 0)
trace("Leader Rate on " + broker.config.brokerId + " is " + leaderRate)

val followerRate: Double = measuredRate(broker, QuotaType.FollowerReplication)
record(followerRates, broker.config.brokerId, followerRate)
if (followerRate > 0)
trace("Follower Rate on " + broker.config.brokerId + " is " + followerRate)

private def measuredRate(broker: KafkaServer, repType: QuotaType): Double = {
val metricName = broker.metrics.metricName("byte-rate", repType.toString)
if (broker.metrics.metrics.asScala.contains(metricName))
else -1

def json(topic: String*): String = {
val topicStr = {
t => "{\"topic\": \"" + t + "\"}"
s"""{"topics": [$topicStr],"version":1}"""

class Journal {
private val log = new File(dir, "Log.html")

def appendToJournal(config: ExperimentDef): Unit = {
val message = s"\n\n<h3>${}</h3>" +
s"<p>- BrokerCount: ${config.brokers}" +
s"<p>- PartitionCount: ${config.partitions}" +
f"<p>- Throttle: ${config.throttle}%,.0f MB/s" +
f"<p>- MsgCount: ${config.msgsPerPartition}%,.0f " +
f"<p>- MsgSize: ${config.msgSize}%,.0f" +
s"<p>- TargetBytesPerBrokerMB: ${config.targetBytesPerBrokerMB}<p>"

def appendChart(path: String, first: Boolean): Unit = {
val message = new StringBuilder
if (first)
message.append("<img src=\"" + path + "\" alt=\"Chart\" style=\"width:600px;height:400px;align=\"middle\"\">")
if (!first)

def header(): Unit = {
append("<html><head><h1>Replication Quotas Test Rig</h1></head><body>")

def footer(): Unit = {

def append(message: String): Unit = {
val stream = new FileOutputStream(log, true)
new PrintWriter(stream) {

def path(): String = {


4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions core/src/test/scala/unit/kafka/utils/TestUtils.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -747,14 +747,14 @@ object TestUtils extends Logging {
* Wait until the given condition is true or throw an exception if the given wait time elapses.
def waitUntilTrue(condition: () => Boolean, msg: String, waitTime: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS): Boolean = {
def waitUntilTrue(condition: () => Boolean, msg: String, waitTime: Long = JTestUtils.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS, pause: Long = 100L): Boolean = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (true) {
if (condition())
return true
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + waitTime)
// should never hit here
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected error")
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion gradle/dependencies.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ versions += [
snappy: "",
zkclient: "0.10",
zookeeper: "3.4.9",
jfreechart: "1.0.0",

// Add Scala version
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,5 +108,6 @@ libs += [
slf4jlog4j: "org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:$versions.slf4j",
snappy: "org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java:$versions.snappy",
zkclient: "com.101tec:zkclient:$versions.zkclient",
zookeeper: "org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:$versions.zookeeper"
zookeeper: "org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:$versions.zookeeper",
jfreechart: "jfreechart:jfreechart:$versions.jfreechart"

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