Expression language and expression evaluation for Go
A modular, reusable university course for Rust
A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.
⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures and vice versa.
Uber Go 语言编码规范中文版. The Uber Go Style Guide .
你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json"
Go RPC framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services.
一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS
A sample MySQL database with an integrated test suite, used to test your applications and database servers
GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more
Aho-Corasick Automaton with Double Array Trie (Multi-pattern substitute in go)
📚 《Go语言定制指南》(原名:Go语法树入门/开源免费图书/Go语言进阶/掌握抽象语法树/Go语言AST)
《C++ Templates 第二版》中文翻译,和原书排版一致,第一部分(1至11章)以及第18,19,20,21、22、23、24、25章已完成,其余内容逐步更新中。 个人爱好,发现错误请指正
带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码(annotated Redis 3.0 source code)。