- 👯 [Cryptoflix] https://github.com/deborapolesel/Cryptoflix
- 👯 [Poxnora] https://github.com/FelipeVieira86/poxnora
module.exports = (lizzard) => (user) => {
lizzard.get('/', rescue(async (_, res) => {
const response = await user.index({
nome: 'Luís Medeiros',
idade: 33,
cidade: ['Belo Horizonte', 'MG'],
stack: ['HTML5', 'CSS3', 'Javascript', 'Solidity', 'PHP', 'NodeJS', 'ReactJS', 'VUEJS', 'MongoDB', 'MySQL', 'Docker', 'Jest', 'RTL', 'Arduino' ],
hobbies: ['Games', 'Boardgames', 'Guitarra', 'Galinhas', 'Robótica', 'Desafios!!!'],
Javascript | React | NodeJS | Huggingface | HTML5 | CSS3 |
Solidity | SQL | RNA | Socketio | Docker | ESLint |
Typescript | VueJS | Arduino | Sequelize | JWT | TailwindCSS |
MongoDB | PHP | Java | Blockchain | Python | UE4 |
- 🔭 I’m currently working from home
- 🌱 I’m currently learning javascript on Trybe and solidity by myself
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I love all subjects!
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: Ever you want! Just call me!
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love chicken