This is a Deep Learning framework projects written with JAVA, including:
- ANN, the forward feed neural network
- DNN, a deep ANN
- CNN, the convNet, including LetNet, VGG, ResNet, FNN, and so on.
- RNN/LSTM, used for sequential strings handeling
- W2V supports also is added already
- Encoder-Decoder framework and so on.
- add supporting for DNC(Differential Neural Computer) DeepDriver/src/deepDriver/dl/aml/dnc/
- add MTL(Multiple Task Learning) supporting for ANN/DNN, so it is easy to extend for CNN and other neural network also.
- add RN(Relation Net) supporting.
- add GRL supporting.
This framework provides some examples:
- NLP: Chinese word segmentation
- CNN txt classification
- QA samples
- Babi Testing