This is a kubevirt device plugin that can discover and expose GPUs and vGPUs on a kubernetes node.Its specifically developed to serve kubevirt workloads in kubernetes cluster.
- Discovers XDXCT GPUs which are bound to VFIO-PCI driver and exposes them as devices available to be attached to VM in pass through mode.
- Discovers XDXCT vGPUs configured on a kubernetes node and exposes them to be attached to Kubevirt VMs
The daemonset creation yaml can be used to deploy the device plugin.
kubectl apply -f xdxct-kubevirt-device-plugin.yaml
Examples yamls for creating VMs with GPU/vGPU are in the examples folder.
Build executable binary using make
make build
Build docker image
make build-image DOCKER_REPO=<docker-repo-url> DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=<image-tag>
Push docker-image to xdxct harbor
make push-image DOCKER_REPO=<docker-repo-url> DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=<image-tag>