This project is a simple Notes application built with React and Vite. The application allows users to create and manage notes with a title and content. It demonstrates the use of React's state management and functional components, along with a minimal setup using Vite for fast development.
- **Create Notes**: Add notes with a title and content.
- **Display Notes**: View all added notes with the content truncated to 50 characters for a cleaner display.
- **Delete Notes**: Remove notes.
- **Responsive Design**: Ensures the application works well across various screen sizes.
- **React**: For building interactive UI components.
- **Vite**: A fast build tool for modern web applications.
- **CSS**: Used for styling the components.
├── components/
│ ├── Notes.js # Main component for managing notes
│ ├── CreateArea.js # Component for adding new notes
│ └── Entry.js # Component for displaying individual notes
├── public/
│ └── style.css # Global styles
├── App.js # Root component
├── index.js # Application entry point
1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
2. Navigate to the project directory:
cd notes-app
3. Install dependencies:
npm install
4. Start the development server:
npm run dev
5. Open the application in your browser:
1. **Add a Note**: Use the input fields to provide a title and content, then click the "Add" button to save the note.
2. **View Notes**: Added notes are displayed below the input area. Titles and truncated content make it easy to browse notes.
- **Edit Notes**: Allow users to update existing notes.
- **Search Notes**: Enable searching through notes by title or content.
- [React Documentation](
- [Vite Documentation](
This project is developed by **John Patrick Paraon** as part of his learning journey in React and modern web development.