The To do list project is a WEB application made with Node.js and no third party API (Such as JQuery, Angular...) on which you can handle a list of tasks in various ways. You can :
- Get all your tasks as a list
- Add a task
- Check a task
- Remove a task
- Remove all completed tasks
As mentionned all Client - Server communications are made with Javascript using the fetch API and the Async - Await JS's expressions.
In the ~/Mongo folder, there's an example of database you can start using the following shell command :
mongod --dbpath "~\Mongo"
Once the database's up, you can start the Node.js server using the following shell command :
node ~/server.js
Contains an example of database that can be used for tests or W/E you want
Contains all the static files sent to the client when he reaches the route GET: /
Contains the mocking of the server and of the database
Contains all jasmine test files