wordle-cli is, as the name suggests, wordle in the command-line. There are no fancy gui/tui elements, just a simple and minimalistic way to play wordle :)
Install from pip
$ pip3 install wordlecli
Install from source
- First, install poetry
$ git clone https://github.com/ZenithDS/wordle-cli.git
$ cd wordle-cli
$ poetry build
$ pip3 install ./dist/wordlecli-0.2.1.tar.gz
Playing wordle in the command-line is as simple as running the following command:
$ wordle
But if your addiction to wordle needs more, you can also play an older wordle by specifying it's number
$ wordle 240
The on-screen keyboard can be turned off using the --hard
$ wordle --hard
0.2.1 - Fixed an issue with keyboard display in hard mode