A command line to bootstrap Latex documents right in the shell. Documents are created from the
templates located in the templates/
Below are the supported templates.
-class |
\documentclass[] |
template file |
article |
article |
templates/article.tex |
report |
report |
templates/report.tex |
letter , scrlttr2 |
scrlttr2 |
templates/scrlttr2.tex |
presentation , beamer |
beamer |
templates/beamer.tex |
notes |
article |
templates/notes.tex |
Tcl/Expect is required, as well as the cmdline
Tcl package. On Archlinux you can that the latter
on AUR.
# Archlinux instructions
sudo pacman -S expect
paru -S tcllib
If you don't have installed Latex already, here is the bare minimum:
sudo pacman -S texlive-latex texlive-latexextra texlive-xetex
In the actual state, the templates require the font "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font"
, which can be
found in the package extra/ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
on Archlinux.
Clone this repository; create a symlink to your local binary folder and that's it!
gh repo clone LucDachary/latex-me
ln -s `pwd`/latex-me/latexme.tcl ~/.local/bin/latexme
latexme myarticle.tex
# Run xelatex afterwards
latexme -build myarticle.tex
# Overwrite myarticle.tex
latexme -build -ow myarticle.tex
latexme -class report myreport.tex
latexme -build -class letter myletter.tex