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Kurvengeräusche detektion
squeal 1102 1976 Hz width < 10Hz minimal duratuion 40-60 ms beginning abrupth -phase?
flanging brodband beginning abrupt ending slow phase?
A. snkg =(livello totale -(flanging)livello filtrato lp 1500) smooth(snKg) (not simmetric (past!)) kg if(snkg > delta)
##Algorithm evaluation specifity: true negative / false positive sensityve: true positive / N positive events ##Kurvengerüsche package
- measuredValues :
- time signals:
- dsp : Calculate the squeal and flanging of a set of microphones given a set of signal during a passby
- vizualise Widget
import hand handle mbbm measured and evaluated values in tables store kg processed values export data frames for further calculations
handle the time signals of a given passby ID
Sqeal noise of a passby is a time function
We are interested in the quantity
We have a detection algorithm (measurement of squeal noise) which has an output
- true positive rate (sensitivity):
$P(M_n=1|z_n = 1) = p_{tp}({z_n})$ - false positive rate:
$P(M_n=1|z_n = 0) = 1 - p_{tn}({z_n})$ - false segative rate:
$P(M_n=0|z_n = 1) = 1 - p_{tp}({z_n})$ - true negative rate(Specifity):
$P(M_n=0|z_n = 0) = p_{tn}({z_n})$
- true positive rate :
$P(M=1|z = 1) = 0.8$ - false positive rate:
$P(M=1|z = 0) = 0.1$ - false negative rate:
$P(M=0|z = 1) = 0.2$ - true negative rate:
$P(M=0|z = 0) = 0.9$
if a people has a positive test $M=1$ how is probable is that he is allergic?
given that the true probability of allergic persons is
- step 1: test probability outcome
$P(M)$ on$z$ :$P(M=1) = P(M=1|z = 1)\cdot P(z=1) + P(M=1|z = 0)\cdot P(z=0) = 0.8 \cdot 0.01 + 0.1\cdot 0.99$
pMz1 = c(0.8,0.1)
pMz0 = c(0.2,0.9)
pz = c(0.01,0.99)
pM1 = sum(pMz1*pz)
pM0 = sum(pMz0*pz)
step 2: The question anzwers is given by $$ P( z = 1 | M=1) = \frac{P( M = 1| z = 1 ) \cdot P(z=1)}{ P(M = 1)}$$
pz1M1 = 0.8*0.01/pM1 print(pz1M1)
given a test and many outcomes, estimate $pz$
#Selecting the intervals :
The script run_CaseCreatorWidget.py
call the GUI to select intervals where one hears flanging or squealing noise.
Make sure there are the following files in the same path :
: Contains the mID to be analysed. Each entry looks like the following:
"m_00403_4" : {
"case" : {
"location" : "Biel",
"mID" : "m_00403",
"measurement" : "Vormessung",
"mic" : 4,
"Te" : 19.0,
"Tb" : -2.375,
"author" : null
"wavPath" : "wav\\m_00403_mic_4.wav",
"plotData" : {
"LAfast" : [[-8.0, -7.875, ... , 53.8153076171875, 53.974822998046875]]
"tmax" : 21.203105926513672,
"tmin" : -7.999987602233887
folder containing theinfo.html
files for the information page. It also contains the icon, the images for the html page, and so on. -
(optional) : contains the first cases to evaluate from thecaseToAnalyze
#Analysing the algorithms
To analyse how an algorithms selects the intervals and how it compares with authors selected cases, you can use run_AdminAlgorithmWidgets.py
and select from Files/new Create new Admin.
#Building the exe file
We use cx_freeze package to build the executable file. Setup.py is the file to be called with cx_freeze using the following command (on Windows):
pathtopython\python cxsetup.py build
This will create a folder called build aside the directory KG. You need to do the following in order to fix some cx_freeze issues (for points 1 and 2, the files are also available in the folder missingFilesforExe):
- Copy the file
into build folder (you will find it underpathtopython/lib/site-packages/scipy/special
- Copy the files
into build folder (you will find them underpathtopython/lib/site-packages/numpy/core
- Move the folder
from the zippedbuild/library
(i.e. remove it from the archive and place it into build folder) - Add the file
- Finaly add the corresponding wav files inside
First install distutils. To create the package run python setup.py build
. Then to install the package use pip : pip install kg