APKiD gives you information about how an APK was made. It identifies many compilers, packers, obfuscators, and other weird stuff.
It's PEiD for Android.
git clone https://github.com/rednaga/yara-python
cd yara-python
python setup.py install
pip install apkid
The yara-python dependency is temporarily necessary to install our custom DEX Yara module. We're working on removing this.
usage: apkid [-h] FILE [FILE ...]
Android Application Identifier
positional arguments:
FILE apk, dex, or dir
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
If you come across an APK or DEX that apkid does not recognize, please open a GitHub issue and tell us what you think it is and provide the file hash (either MD5, SHA1, SHA256).
This tool is available under a dual license: a a commercial one suitable for closed source projects and a GPL license that can be used in open source software.
Depending on your needs, you must choose one of them and follow its policies. A detail of the policies and agreements for each license type are available in the LICENSE.COMMERCIAL and LICENSE.GPL files.
To install the package from source in editable mode (useful for devlopment):
pip install --process-dependency-links -e .
If the above doesn't work, due to permission errors dependant on your local machine and where Python has been installed, try specifying the --user
flag. This is likely needed if you are working on OSX;
pip install --process-dependency-links -e . --user