A Streamlit component to display STL files.
This component requires access to write files to the temporary directory.
pip install streamlit_stl
Look at the example for a streamlit Web App:
The original STL file is from Printables.
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_stl import stl_from_file
success = stl_from_file(
file_path=path_to_conf, # Path to the STL file
color='#FF9900', # Color of the STL file (hexadecimal value)
material='material', # Material of the STL file ('material', 'flat', or 'wireframe')
auto_rotate=True, # Enable auto-rotation of the STL model
opacity=1, # Opacity of the STL model (0 to 1)
shininess=100, # How shiny the specular highlight is, when using the 'material' style.
cam_v_angle=60, # Vertical angle (in degrees) of the camera
cam_h_angle=-90, # Horizontal angle (in degrees) of the camera
cam_distance=None, # Distance of the camera from the object (defaults to 3x bounding box size)
height=500, # Height of the viewer frame
max_view_distance=1000, # Maximum viewing distance for the camera
key=None # Streamlit component key
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_stl import stl_from_text
file_input = st.file_uploader("Or upload an STL file", type=["stl"])
if file_input is not None:
success = stl_from_text(
text=file_input.getvalue(), # Content of the STL file as text
color='#FF9900', # Color of the STL file (hexadecimal value)
material='material', # Material of the STL file ('material', 'flat', or 'wireframe')
auto_rotate=True, # Enable auto-rotation of the STL model
opacity=1, # Opacity of the STL model (0 to 1)
shininess=100, # How shiny the specular highlight is, when using the 'material' style.
cam_v_angle=60, # Vertical angle (in degrees) of the camera
cam_h_angle=-90, # Horizontal angle (in degrees) of the camera
cam_distance=None, # Distance of the camera from the object (defaults to 3x bounding box size)
height=500, # Height of the viewer frame
max_view_distance=1000, # Maximum viewing distance for the camera
key=None # Streamlit component key
The functions return a boolean value indicating if the program was able to write and read the files.
The 'material' style is the default style, it uses the Phong shading model from Three.js.
Code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0)