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< baselib >



  • Linux

      make build

    there should be now an folder called baselib, in this folder is everything you need


< This module implements the most basic types and macros >

  • added types:

    < This adds simpler ways to write types >

    type C defenition
    usize unsigned long
    uint unsigned int
    ushort unsigned short
    byte unsigned char
  • added constants

    type value
    NONE 0
  • added macros

    < these add simpler ways to calculate the space you want to use >

    macro example result
    K K(1) 1024**1
    M M(1) 1024**2
    G G(1) 1024**3
    T T(1) 1024**4


< implements the most basic math functions and types >

  • types

    type C defenition
    numtype enum {dec, hex, bin}
  • functions

    function Arguments return
    m_len number | numtype usize
    m_power base | operant usize


< This implements a static Page allocator table >

  • functiontable:

    function Arguments return
    palloc_create_table ptr to free space | size of free space | pagesize palloc_pagetable
    palloc_alloc ptr to the pagetable void*
    palloc_free ptr to page
  • example for how to use the page allocator:

    Creating a buffer with the size of 256 KB for the pagetable >> free space to use

      byte buff[K(256)];

    creating the pagetable with the previos created buffer to use with the pagesize of 128 bytes

      palloc_pagetable ptable = palloc_create_table(buff, K(256), 128);

    allocating a page from page allocator

      byte* page = palloc_alloc(&ptable);

    Optional: checking if i got an page (but you should have gotten a page)

      if (page == 0);

    if the statement above is true then the pagetable is fully in use and this page is not usable

    Freeing a used page


normally this is used in other modules like string.h


< a module for a single linked list >

  • Functiontable:

    Function Arguments return sidenote
    sllist_create sllist pagetable | itemptable sllist_base
    sllist_prepend sllist_base* ptr | ptr to value void
    sllist_remove sllist_base* ptr | index void
    sllist_pop sllist_base* ptr void* ptr to value
    sllist_get sllist_base* ptr | index void* ptr to value
    sllist_len sllist_base* ptr size
    sllist_destroy sllist_base* ptr void
  • Example

    before we beginn we need pagetables for the linked list

      byte buff[K(128)];
      palloc_pagetable val_ptable = palloc_create_table(buff, K(128), std_str_size);
      byte buff[K(128)];
      palloc_pagetable sll_ptable = palloc_create_table(buff, K(128), std_sllist_nodesize);

    also it's recomendet to create the list

      sllist_base sllist = sllist_create(&sll_ptable, &val_ptable);

    to add a value to the list

      void* testval = palloc_alloc(&val_ptable);
      sllist_prepend(&sllist, testval);

    to get the length of the list

      usize len = sllist_len(&sllist);

    to get values from the list

    • first method: get

      get the fifth item:

        void* val = sllist_get(&sllist, 5);
    • second method: pop

      this frees the sllist_node but leaves the value alone

        void* val = sllist_pop(&sllist);


    • first method remove

      remove a node and value in this example node 0

        sllist_remove(&sllist, 0);
    • second method: destroy

      delete all nodes and values saved in the list



< a module to work with strings >

  • Functiontable:

    Function Arguments return sidenote
    str_len string usize
    str_cmp string a | string b byte (bool => 0 false, 1 true)
    str_ston string | numtype usize convert a string to a number
    str_ntos palloc_pagetable* | number | numtype byte* convert a number to string
    stringf palloc_pagetable* | formatstring | void*[] byte* supportet keys are %% and %s
    str_cut palloc_pagetable* | string | startpos | length byte*
    str_startswith string | startpos | searchstr byte (bool => 0 false, 1 true)
    str_split palloc_pagetable* strptable | palloc_ptable sllptable | byte* orgstring | searchstr sllist_base
  • Example

    before we beginn we need an pagetable for the strings

      byte buff[K(256)];
      palloc_pagetable str_ptable = palloc_create_table(buff, K(256), std_str_size);

    convert a string to a number

      usize num = str_ston((byte*)"255",dec); // expected output 255
      num = str_ston((byte*)"FF", hex); // expected output 255
      num = str_ston((byte*)"11111111", bin); // expected output 255

    convert a number to string

      byte* ntos(&str_ptable, 255, dec); // expected output "255"
      byte* ntos(&str_ptable, 255, hex); // expected output "FF"
      byte* ntos(&str_ptable, 255, bin); // expected output "11111111"

    format a string

      byte* str = stringf(&str_ptable, "%s World\n", (void*[]){"Hello"}); // expected output "Hello World\n"

    compare two strings

      byte same = str_cmp((byte*)"Hello", (byte*)"Hello"); // expected output 1 (true)
      same = str_cmp((byte*)"Hello",(byte*)"World"); // expected output 0 (false)

    get the length of an string

      usize len = str_len((byte*)"Hello"); // expected output 5

    cutting a string

      byte* str = str_cut(&str_ptable, (byte*)"string", 1, 4); // expected output "trin"

    cut just the beginning

      byte* str = str_cut(&str_ptable, (byte*)"string", 1, NONE); // expected output "tring"

    checking if a string startswith a specific string at a speciic position

      byte bool = str_startswith((byte*)"String", 0, "String"); // expected output 1
      byte bool = str_startswith((byte*)"String", 0, "string"); // expected output 0
      byte bool = str_startswith((byte*)"String", 1, "tri"); // expected output 1

    split a string

    creating a sllist buffer and pagetable

      byte* sllbuff[K(128)];
      palloc_pagetable sll_ptable = palloc_create_table(sllbuff, K(128), std_sllist_nodesize);

    now split

      byte* string = (byte*)"Hello World";
      sllist_base splstr = str_split(&str_pagetable, &sll_pagetable, string, (byte*)" ");
      // expected output ("Hello", "World")