ytmusicapi is a Python 3 library to send requests to the YouTube Music API. It emulates YouTube Music web client requests using the user's cookie data for authentication.
- search (including all filters) and suggestions
- get artist information and releases (songs, videos, albums, singles, related artists)
- get user information (videos, playlists)
- get albums
- get song metadata
- get watch playlists (next songs when you press play/radio/shuffle in YouTube Music)
- get song lyrics
Exploring music:
- get moods and genres playlists
- get latest charts (globally and per country)
Library management:
- get library contents: playlists, songs, artists, albums and subscriptions, podcasts, channels
- add/remove library content: rate songs, albums and playlists, subscribe/unsubscribe artists
- get and modify play history
- create and delete playlists
- modify playlists: edit metadata, add/move/remove tracks
- get playlist contents
- get playlist suggestions
- get podcasts
- get episodes
- get channels
- get episodes playlists
- upload songs and remove them again
- list uploaded songs, artists and albums
- all regions are supported (see locations FAQ
- 16 languages are supported (see languages FAQ
If you find something missing or broken, check the FAQ or feel free to create an issue.
- Python 3.8 or higher - https://www.python.org
See the Documentation for detailed instructions
from ytmusicapi import YTMusic
yt = YTMusic('oauth.json')
playlistId = yt.create_playlist('test', 'test description')
search_results = yt.search('Oasis Wonderwall')
yt.add_playlist_items(playlistId, [search_results[0]['videoId']])
The tests are also a great source of usage examples.
Pull requests are welcome. There are still some features that are not yet implemented. Please, refer to CONTRIBUTING.rst for guidance.