This is a service created to get user`s phone number and based on the book The Daily Stoic - by Ryan Holiday, to send one message related to each day to the user throught a sms message.
The main focus of this project was to integrate different services, such as. get information from the user and store it in the database, then use a service to switch the page to be presented accordingly with the day`s message contained in the book, then to loop throghout the user`s phone list and send a message to him.
DATABASE: PostgreSQL provided by a Heroku
BACK-END - NodeJs using the following packages:
ExpressJs for the server along with some packages such as:
-Nodemon - for auto refresh after each change in the code in the development
-Dot-env - fot storaging the keys in the variable enviroment
-PostgreSQL - DataBase used to store user`s data
-AWS-sdk - Service used to send SMS
-jsdom - Service used to extract book`s epub format parts
- Include services to send the message using different plataforms like: Whatsapp, Telegram, Email, etc
-Develop some authentication and data validation
-Implement payment methods
Clone down this repository. You will need node
, npm
or yarn
installed globally on your machine.
yarn start
npm install
npm run start
The server should start at:
To test the whole application you can access the service hosted on the cloud and interact directly with this project: