Repo with code and supplementary files for STAT 647 final project
Group Members: Sophia, Ethan, Joseph (Minhyuk), and Lizzie (Elizabeth)
- generate_figures: script to create isotropic cov function visual
- conus_no2_nngp: script to fit NNGP both with and without covariates
- rf_gls_test: script to fit RF-GLS both with and without covariates
Legacy scripts:
- epa_nngp: script to fit model and generate graphs of EPA data, fits an NNGP with 10 neighors on data for 08/02/2023
- tempo_test: script to read TEMPO nc4 file, graph data, and optionally fit models
- annual_conc_by_monitor_2019.csv
- All gases from EPA AQS data
- used in conus_no2_nngp and rf_gls_test for without covariate models
- url:
- NO2_CONUS_full_data.csv
- Subset to NO2 only from EPA AQS data
- used in conus_no2_nngp and rf_gls_test for with covariate models
- url: same as annual_conc_by_monitor_2019 plus Sophia's processing
- C2930725014-LARC_CLOUD_merged_3nods.nc4: NASA satellite data
- satellite vertical column density of NO2
- used in tempo_test, legacy - superseded
- url: