This app will be constructed to help hard sleepers as ourselfes to wake up with their favorite song from youtube , audio files on your phone and allso mayb soundclound!
I dont know yet sir, Please tell me!
What does the app do?
I dont know yet sir, Please tell me!
Are you allso a deep sleeper and do you get sick of those lame smartphone settings for your alarm?
Wait no longer and keep an eye on our development.
If you really want to wake up you should still use a non internet reliable source in case your home internet fails, But the app certantly won't!
Available soon!
More details will be disclosed when beta testing will be completed.
We are currently working with an MVC developing structure to ensure stable releases.
As end user you will be able to set a alarm at your specified time with your music options for youtube , soundclound or music that is on your phone or sd card.
Youtube will be able to play your own playlist after you logged in with WakeMeSmoothly at youtube.
Soundclound options are still in consideration.
None!, Becouse everyone that tried made a half product.
Credits --Serichona and SudoSam from Lynu Dev Team
Twitter bootstrap Youtube API
Copyright and License --
All Rights Reserved and Confidential
All information about our license can be found in our file.
How to contribute -
Contact us by email @ [email protected]