A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
[🔥updating ...] AI 自动量化交易机器人(完全本地部署) AI-powered Quantitative Investment Research Platform. 📃 online docs: ✨ :news: qbot-mini:
Translate manga/image 一键翻译各类图片内文字
Some awesome comfyui workflows in here, and they are built using the comfyui-easy-use node package.
Emote Portrait Alive: Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions
ai副业赚钱大集合,教你如何利用ai做一些副业项目,赚取更多额外收益。The Ultimate Guide to Making Money with AI Side Hustles: Learn how to leverage AI for some cool side gigs and rake in some extra cash. Check out the English versi…
利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.
A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for c…
小红书笔记 | 评论爬虫、抖音视频 | 评论爬虫、快手视频 | 评论爬虫、B 站视频 | 评论爬虫、微博帖子 | 评论爬虫、百度贴吧帖子 | 百度贴吧评论回复爬虫 | 知乎问答文章|评论爬虫
🔎 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine.
Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration)
Ecoute is a live transcription tool that provides real-time transcripts for both the user's microphone input (You) and the user's speakers output (Speaker) in a textbox. It also generates a suggest…
一个轻量级 Java 权限认证框架,让鉴权变得简单、优雅!—— 登录认证、权限认证、分布式Session会话、微服务网关鉴权、单点登录、OAuth2.0
[企业微信] A fast wxwork development sdk written in Golang
Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions and Answers
JetLinks 基于Java8,Spring Boot 2.x ,WebFlux,Netty,Vert.x,Reactor等开发, 是一个全响应式的企业级物联网平台。支持统一物模型管理,多种设备,多种厂家,统一管理。统一设备连接管理,多协议适配(TCP,MQTT,UDP,CoAP,HTTP等),屏蔽网络编程复杂性,灵活接入不同厂家不同协议等设备。实时数据处理,设备告警,消息通知,数据转发。…
🤖 The free, Open Source alternative to OpenAI, Claude and others. Self-hosted and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, transf…
Lzjusc2017 / LocalAI
Forked from mudler/LocalAI🤖 Self-hosted, community-driven, local OpenAI-compatible API. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI running LLMs on consumer-grade hardware. Free Open Source OpenAI alternative. No GPU required. LocalAI i…
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
Code AI platform with Code Search & Cody
7 days golang programs from scratch (web framework Gee, distributed cache GeeCache, object relational mapping ORM framework GeeORM, rpc framework GeeRPC etc) 7天用Go动手写/从零实现系列
A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.