This project is the submission of udacity cloud developer nanodegree
Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.
clone this repository locally
git clone
To run and deploy this project with Docker, make sure to have Docker compose on your system. Open a new terminal within the project directory and run:
- cd into the docker diretory:
cd udacity-c3-deployment/docker/
- start the container:
docker-compose up
tip: when the project is running, you can view it in your browser at
for the frontend andlocalhost:8080
for the reverse proxy exposing the rest api
- stop the containers:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build -d screenshot
To run commands against your Kubernetes clusters, install and setup kubectl. Open a new terminal within the project directory and run:
- cd into the kubernetes diretory:
cd udacity-c3-deployment/k8s/
- add your secret and configmap
tip: Add your base64 secret in
, your AWS credentials inaws-secret.yaml
and your configMap inenv-configmaps.yaml
. and usekubectl apply -f env-secret.yaml,aws-secret.yaml,env-configmaps.yaml
- Create your deployements and services:
kubectl apply -f reverseproxy-deployment.yaml,reverseproxy-service.yaml,frontend-deployment.yaml,frontend-service.yaml,backend-feed-deployment.yaml,backend-feed-service.yaml,backend-user-deployment.yaml,backend-user-service.yaml
- To see all running containers run
kubectl get pod
tip: to run your cluster locally, port-forward the frontend service
kubectl port-forward service/frontend 8100:8100
and the reverseproxy servicekubectl port-forward service/reverseroxy 8080:8080
, you can view it in your browser atlocalhost:8100
for the frontend andlocalhost:8080
for the reverse proxy exposing the rest api
- to deploy a new version of the feed microservice run
kubectl apply -f backend-feed-deployment.yaml,backend-feed-service.yaml
Note: I created one pod for each deployment as I am testing on my local machine with limited resources (RAM & CPU)
This project use Travis CI to build the application. CI screenshot
I got inspiration of this documentation from mowamed, thanks to him ❤️