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LullabyRecipe iOS

Swift Version Platform Version

App Store: Lullaby Recipe

스크린샷1    스크린샷1    스크린샷1    스크린샷1

App Description

- Select and blend three kinds of sounds: Base, Melody, and Natural.
(For Base and Melody, it is recommended to choose only one for each.)

- Name your mix for different purposes. You can listen to your own music for better sleep, meditation, study, work, and more.

- Control the volume of each sound to get the best mix.



Project Structure

├── Assets // Project Assets
├── ContentView.swift
├── Info.plist
├── Launch Screen.storyboard
├── LullabyRecipeApp.swift
├── Manager
│   ├── AudioManager.swift
│   └── UserDefaultsManager.swift
├── Model
│   ├── DummyData.swift
│   ├── MixedSound.swift
│   ├── Recipe.swift
│   └── Sound.swift
├── Resource // Music Resource
├── Utilities
│   └── Static.swift
└── Views
    ├── CustomTabView.swift
    ├── Home
    │   ├── Home.swift
    │   ├── MixedSoundCard.swift
    │   └── Music
    │       ├── Music.swift
    │       ├── MusicViewModel.swift
    │       └── VolumeControl.swift
    ├── Kitchen
    │   ├── CustomAlert.swift
    │   ├── Kitchen.swift
    │   └── SoundCard.swift
    ├── Onboarding
    │   └── OnBoarding.swift
    └── WhiteTitleText.swift

Release Note

Release Note