Make vim more Puppet friendly!
- Formatting based on the latest Puppetlabs Style Guide
- Syntax highlighting
- Automatic => alignment (when the tabular plugin is also installed)
- If you don't like that, add
let g:puppet_align_hashes = 0
to your vimrc.
- If you don't like that, add
- Doesn't require a bloated JRE
- Doesn't take minutes to open
- syntastic plugin for automatic syntax checking while in vim.
- vim-snippets is a library of snippets for multiple languages, including Puppet. Works with both snipmate and ultisnips.
If you're using pathogen to manage your vim modules (and if you're not, why
aren't you), you can simply add this as a submodule in your ~/.vim/bundle/
My entire home directory is a git repository, so for me it's simply a case of
$ git submodule add -f git:// .vim/bundle/puppet
If you're not using pathogen, you can just manually place the files in the
appropriate places under ~/.vim/