Huffmancode program
Instruction on how to run program:
The program can be run with cmake as follows:
1 ) Enter the following command for an out of source build:
The $INSTALL_DIR is where you would like the program to be installed.
Navigate to the $INSTALL_DIR directory.
There will be two exectuable programs visible : demo and Huffmancoder
- The demo program exhibits a demonstration of the Huffmancoder program.
- Huffmancoder is the executable program
Using the Huffmancoder program
The Huffmancoder program can be run in two modes:
Standard input/output mode
To activate this mode use the program as follows:
-For compression mode use the command line argument -c and then press enter. Then you can enter input that you would like to have compressed.
Example: Huffmancoder -c Example: (with input pipelining and output printed to screen) Huffmancoder -c <input.txt Example : (with input and output pipelining) Huffmancoder -c <input.txt >compressed_input.txt
-For decompression mode use the command line argument -d and then press enter. Then you can enter the compressed input that you would ike to have decompressed.
Example:(with no input or output pipelining, input taken from keyboard and output to screen) Huffmancoder -d Example: (with input pipelining and output printed to screen) Huffmancoder -d <compressed_input.txt Example : (with input and output pipelining) Huffmancoder -d <compressed_input.txt >decompressed_output.txt Similarly the program can run both compression and decompression run with outpipelining and input from keyboard.
File input/output mode
To activate this mode use the program as follows:
-For compression mode use the command line argument -c followed by a space and then a name of a file to read input from.
Example: Huffmancoder -c input.txt In File input/output mode compression will lead to a file being created titled "compressed.txt".
-For decompression mode use the command line argument -d followed by a space and then the name of a compressed file.
Example: Huffmancoder -d compressed.txt In File input/output mode compression will lead to a file being created titled "decompressed.txt".