pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
Click on Indoor Space Cognition Dataset to download the dataset.
password: fengbuxi
Configure global_config.py to add the new task's category mapping dictionary directly when adding a new task, and change the value of pretrained_task at the same time.
The base model of the last mission should be placed under ~/.torch/models/ folder, the system will read the base model automatically, the default name is mtcnet.pth, if you change the name, please synchronize to change the pth_path variable under train.py.
python train.py
python eval.py
python demo.py
+ Email: [email protected]
+ WebSite: https://www.jaingjianwu.cn/
title={Scene-level spatial cognition information extraction method for indoor safety monitoring of elderly-assisting robots},
author={Jianwu Jiang and Jiadi Chen and Jingwen Li and Xiao Dong and Qingyang Wang and Bo Song},
This model is constructed based on PSPNet.
This model is built on the open source framework awesome-semantic-segmentation-pytorch.