This is my revamped code for solving the autonomous path planning problem outlined at
-numpy -sympy -matplotlib
To initialize Path Planning Object:
pp = PathPlanningODE(
starting_coordinate - tuple, (-2, -2) by default
ending_coordinate - tuple, (12, 12) by default
NUM_OF_STEPS - int, 20 by default
To create obstacles in the Path Planning field:
NUM_OF_OBSTACLES - int, 10 by default
coordinates - list of tuples, None by default
Example usage:
To place one obstacle at (5, 5)
pp.create_obstacles( coordinates=[(5,5)] )
To place two obstacles, one at (1,2) the other at (3,4)
pp.create_obstacles( coordinates=[(1,2), (3,4)] )
To place 5 obstacles randomly
To show current state of path planning problem:
To do one iteration of Newton's Method (calculate new path based on current path):
To watch an animation of the ODE sovler in action (this is fun - this is where you'll see it
trying to wiggle the path around into place):
To watch the 'rover' follow the current path:
import pathplanning2019 # import module
pp = PathPlanningODE() # create instance of path planning object w/ default settings
pp.create_obstacles() # create 10 randomly placed obstacles
pp.animate_solver() # animate the solution process