Lets-Plot is a multiplatform plotting library built on the principles of the Grammar of Graphics.
The library' design is heavily influenced by Leland Wilkinson work The Grammar of Graphics describing the deep features that underlie all statistical graphics.
This grammar [...] is made up of a set of independent components that can be composed in many different ways. This makes [it] very powerful because you are not limited to a set of pre-specified graphics, but you can create new graphics that are precisely tailored for your problem.
- Hadley Wickham, "ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis"
A bridge between R (ggplot2) and Python data visualization.
To learn more see the documentation site at lets-plot.org.
Create plots in Kotlin Notebook,
Datalore, Jupyter with Kotlin Kernel
or any other notebook that supports Kotlin Kernel
To learn more see the Lets-Plot Kotlin API project at GitHub.
Embed Lets-Plot charts in Compose Multiplatform applications.
To learn more see the Lets-Plot Skia Frontend project at GitHub.
Embed Lets-Plot charts in JVM (Swing, JavaFX) and Kotlin/JS applications.
To learn more see the Lets-Plot Kotlin API project at GitHub.
Scientific mode in PyCharm and in IntelliJ IDEA provides support for interactive scientific computing and data visualization.
Lets-Plot in SciView plugin adds support for interactive plotting to IntelliJ-based IDEs with the Scientific mode enabled.
Note: The Scientific mode is NOT available in communinty editions of JetBrains IDEs.
Also read:
See example notebook.
See example notebook.
parameter in plot layerlayer_key()
See example notebook.
parameter in theguide_legend()
function.See example notebook.
See CHANGELOG.md for a full list of changes.
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