The EvoKnee program is a GUI implementation for the Evolutionary Algorithm for Knee Based Multiple Criteria Decision Making. The program integrates several well-known multiple knee benchmark functions (DO2DK, DEB2DK, and DEB2DK2 ), which can be run on any Microsoft Windows platform. Interested researchers can download and validate the performance on their own.
During the search, the Evoknee only maintains a knee solution and a few boundary individuals within the search subspace to constrain the search effort and focus solely on convergence toward the global knee solution quickly.
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 EvoKnee Group. You are free to use the Programe for research purposes.
All publications which use this Programe or any code in the Programe should acknowledge the use of "EvoKnee" and reference "Kai Zhang, Gary G. Yen and Zhenan He, Evolutionary Algorithm for Knee-Based Multiple Criteria Decision Making, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol.51, no.2, pp.722-735, 2021".