- San Francisco, CA
🔑 Token based authentication service for Angular with interceptor and multi-user support. Works best with devise token auth for Rails. Example:
The Apple Pay JS Stubs provide a stubbed implementation of the ApplePay JS framework allowing you to acceptance test your Apple Pay for the Web code without requiring Safari, or an iPhone with iOS 10
Simple time based animation examples using Javascript, HTML5, and CSS
An example showing the differences between timeline and frame based animation using javascript
a game written in javascript, jquery, html, css
Cocoa example of an NSWindow animating with a drawer (like sparrow does)
A Cocoa example of drawing boxes in a NSScrollView that updates at some interval with a new row of boxes
MacBoyPro / treemapkit
Forked from grgcombs/treemapkitTreeMap for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch (iPhone/iPod touch/iPad)
grgcombs / treemapkit
Forked from yatsu/treemapkitTreeMap for Cocoa Touch (iPhone/iPod touch/iPad)
A grid view for iPhone/iPad, designed to look similar to NSCollectionView.
MacBoyPro / rhodes
Forked from rhomobile/rhodesThe Rhodes framework is a platform for building locally executing, device-optimized mobile applications for all major smartphone devices.
Sample application for SugarCRM using Rhodes.
Whitney Peyton Rails Server for the Whitney Peyton iPhone Application
Whitney Peyton iPhone Application using the Rhodes framework
homework assignments for teaching ruby
ultrasaurus / rhodes
Forked from rhomobile/rhodesThe Rhodes framework is a platform for building locally executing, device-optimized mobile applications for all major smartphone devices.
test scrolling list of images with links to media
a number of sample rhosync source adapters