This package provides a command line interface to Azure Purview's REST API.
Getting Started - how to install, setup, and use purviewcli.
pip install purviewcli
pv command sub-command --parameter1='value' --parameter2='value'
- All parameters are required by default.
- Parameters enclosed with square brackets "[ ]" are optional.
- Mutually exclusive parameters are enclosed with parens "( )" and separated with a pipe "|".
- The "=<val>" indicates parameters which require an input (e.g. --parameter=<val>). Input can be specified after a space (e.g. --parameter 'value') or equal "=" sign (e.g. --parameter='value').
- Parameters that do not require an input are False by default and True if present (e.g. --ignoreRelationships).
- The ellipsis "..." indicates parameters that are allowed to repeat (e.g. --guid='12345' --guid='23451' --guid='34512')
Control Plane (Azure Resource Manager)
Data Plane (Apache Atlas)
Data Plane (Other)