- Presov, Slovakia
A next generation HTTP client for Python. π¦
httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
Corne keyboard, a split keyboard with 3x6 column staggered keys and 3 thumb keys.
Questions to ask the company during your interview
Leapp repositories containing actors for the Leapp framework (https://github.com/oamg/leapp). Currently provides leapp repositories for in-place upgrades of RHEL systems.
An easy to use powerful data table for vuejs with advanced customizations including sorting, column filtering, pagination, grouping etc
A (bluebird promisified) minimalistic couchdb driver for node.js
Nano: The official Apache CouchDB library for Node.js
This is not an official Facebook product, and is not affiliated with, or sponsored or endorsed by, Facebook.
π A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
kennykaye / dactyl-keyboard
Forked from adereth/dactyl-keyboardParameterized ergonomic keyboard
π Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
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