Feel confident about your future, now you will always have a place where you can sell your socks!
You will need Python 2.7, Flask and Sqlalchemy to run this application.
- You can either install vagrant and virtual box along with getting configuration by cloning this file. Make sure to
vagrant up
andvagrant ssh
before running the application. - or you can try to configure your own computer via following stepes.
- Install pip and Python 2.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please, run before program start this script to populate db:
python populate_socks_db.py
Run application
python application.py
View page in browser
You can view json representation of any item in this catalog!
To get data regarding all socks:
To get data about one sock with sock_id being an id of already existing sock:
This course was developed as a part of Udacity Full Stack Web Development Nanodegree Course and according to tutorial lessons of the course.
Thanks to Udacity and Full-Stack Web Develeoper mentoring team! I really enjoyed learning from you. Reviews and support you provide are very inspirational throughout the whole course :)