This is the new generation of python-openzwave.
python-openzwave is a python wrapper for the openzwave library. It's also contains an api (object representation of Zwave network) and ozwsh (a shell like manager using the api).
You can install python-openzwave in 3 ways :
From repository : you need to install mercurial, subversion and the common builds tools. Look at INSTALL_REPO to do such installation
From an archive : you don't need to install mercurial, subversion. Only the common builds tools are needed. Look at INSTALL_ARCH to do such installation
From scratch : if you can't build python-openzwave automatically or you are using windows or MacOS X. Look at INSTALL_MAN to do such installation
This version (0.3.0) is under development, do not use it in a production environnement.
I need to update source tree of python-openzwave and modules's names because of a bug in setuptools : respect-src . Sorry for that.
So, before building python-openzwave, you must uninstall the old version :
sudo make uninstall
After that, reinstall python-openzwave using your prefered method.
About cython : I've made many tests using the cython installed via pip : (0.20, 0.21 and 0.22). Compilation is ok but a segfault appears when launching the tests. Please remove it.
sudo pip uninstall Cython
And reinstall the one provided with your distribution
sudo make deps
If you have problems, please submit an issue with :
cython -V
the content of the directory /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist- packages/ (for python2.7)
the content of /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/easy- install.pth (for python 2.7)
After installing python-openzwave, you can run tests :
sudo make tests
You can browse the documentation here : /python-openzwave.html.
Improve tests : add virtual nodes and controllers to pass test on travis